Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Biggest Loser

I am so excited about the new season of Biggest Loser starting tonight. Season 8 is about second chances, and Dan from the Orange Team on Season 7 will be back to finish his journey. Last season, Dan was the heaviest contestant in Biggest Loser history weighing 454 pounds at the age of 19. His team was voted off, but Dan continued to work hard and has 142 lost pounds. I really liked Dan last season so I look forward to cheering him on again.

The Biggest Loser is so much more than a weight loss show. It is really about discovering what is holding you back from where you want to be in your life, pushing yourself to make changes, and ultimately challenging yourself to go beyond what you once thought was possible. It is about becoming a stronger person physically, mentally, and emotionally.

This is the way I like to play along with the Biggest Loser:

1) establish some goals for myself to work on along with the contestants.
This season (from Sept to Dec) my goals are
  • drink 67 oz of water (four 16.9oz water bottles) a day. I have slacked off on my water consumption this summer, and need to correct this.
  • continue with the healthy eating habits, but pay closer attention to portion sizes.
  • work hard at cardio 4 days/week. I need to challenge myself in this area. I don't like for cardio to be hard (and really, who does?), so when I get comfortable in a cardio routine I don't push myself because I am comfortable. My goal is to work hard enough so that while I am doing the exercise, I don't like it, but after I am done, I am proud of myself for pushing through it. Does that make sense?
  • continue to work at the current intensity level in my Power class. Although at the end of October, I need to increase my weight amount for triceps, biceps, and shoulders.
  • run a 5K in December
  • to lose 6 pounds which breaks down to 2 lbs/month. Should be doable.
2) watch the show each week. During the commercial breaks, I do little mini-workouts such as crunches, push-ups, tricep dips, squats, etc. I like to think that I am doing my own "last chance workout". ha ha

3) Wednesday morning I have my own weigh in, just to see how I have done that week.

I heart Biggest Loser! If you haven't watched Biggest Loser, you are missing out. If you want to play along with me, then set some 3 month goals for yourself. I would encourage you to set "baby step" goals. It could be increasing your water consumption, cutting out cokes from your diet, getting up before work to do a workout DVD, or walking 10 more minutes than you have been doing. Set yourself up to have some certain successes because you will be encouraged and will be motivated to continue. And then you should have one challenging goal to work hard for. Remember nothing changes if nothing changes.

If you don't want to "play" the Biggest Loser, that's okay, too. Just watch and pick out who your favorite contestants are and who you just don't like, then come back tomorrow and let's talk about it in the comments section. It'll be fun!!

What have you done today to make yourself proud?


Amy said...

I think this is going to be a good season! Abby's (green team) story is so sad and powerful (her husband and 2 children were killed in a car accident 2 years ago). I am just in awe that she is able to get herself out of the bed each day because I just don't know how I would be able to go on. I like the orange team although without immunity last night they might have been in trouble. I like Coach Mo (purple team), too! He just seems so humble and looks like he could make you laugh when you needed it. I think the blue team will be a strong team, although we didn't get to learn too much about them last night.

Well, last season they tried to kill off Jerry on the first show and this season it was Tracy. I think it might be wise for her not to try to sprint for a mile next time...remember slow and steady wins the race, ol' girl!

I was glad it was the black team below the yellow line rather than the pink team. I have more of an affinity for the pink team than the black. I was sorry to see Alexandra voted off; I thought she had earned her right to stay on the ranch longer. Besides, Julio rolling around on the floor moaning and groaning was just silly...I would have voted him off just for being a drama queen.

But didn't Alexandra look good during the at home interview?!?! That girl is on a mission!

BeverlyB said...

My sentiments exactly. Even your dad is hooked on watching the show.

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