Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

We have had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  The boys woke up delighted that their Easter baskets were filled with treats.  I forgot to take pictures before the baskets were dismantled, but both baskets were filled with books (as always) and candy (of course).  In addition, Jack's basket had the DVD The Muppets, NFL trading cards, MLB trading cards, and a collection of miniature batting helmets of all the MLB teams.  Will's basket also included the DVD Hop, and 3 new Skylanders.  Brent was surprised with candy, a book, and a new basketball.  But Will quickly pointed out that since the basketball was between his basket and Daddy's basket that meant that he and Daddy were supposed to share the basketball!  I got some sour jelly beans and a Amazon gift card.  I think I'll save it for my vacation beach books.

We made it to church EARLY today!  Thank you, Lord, for a smooth morning! I was so happy because we didn't have to fight for a seat on our favorite pew.  We sang my most favorite Easter hymn "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" complete with the trumpet.  I can't sing that song without chills...just love it!  After church, we saw Jack's teacher and Will ran up to her and said "Happy Easter, Mrs. Gentile!"  She said that it just made her day for Jack's little brother to greet her like that.  We had a nice chat with her in between Masses and Brent and I walked away commenting for the umpteenth time how blessed we are that Jack is in her class.

We just got back from Spring Break last night, so the cupboards were bare.  We decide that this year we would be eating out for Easter lunch, but without reservations, we knew we would be rolling the dice as to where we would eat.  We struck out on two of our favorite spots (they were closed!) but did find that one of our ole' reliable favorites was ready and waiting for us.  While we were on our restaurant search, Brent kept reminding me that Waffle House is always open!  Nothin' says Easter like "Scattered, Smothered, and Covered!"

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out as a family.  Playing in the yard, playing with our Easter treats, reading books, and strolling through the neighborhood.  Brent and Jack did a little fishing at our neighborhood "lake" and caught a LARGE bass.  Brent hooked 'em and Jack reeled him in.  A neighbor across the lake was watching from his back patio and yelled out, "I've lived here 3 years and have never seen a fish that big pulled out of this water.  Wait right there while I go get my wife!"

It was a wonderful day of joy and hope in our risen Lord!  Jesus Christ is risen today, ALLELUIA!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...
1 Peter 1:3


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