Monday, March 5, 2012

Pinewood Derby

This is Jack's first year in Cub Scouts and he is loving everything about it!  The two most anticipated events for the Wolf den are the fall and spring campouts and the Pinewood Derby.  Back in December, we received our Pinewood Derby car kit (which is basically just a block of wood, axles, and wheels), the rules for construction, and a "good luck, have fun" blessing.  Well, clearly turning this block of wood into a race car is beyond these boys' abilities, so the Pinewood Derby is really a Dad competition.  Brent started his internet research and came up with a slim, aerodynamic design that was weight-loaded in the back.  Jack wanted the race car to represent his beloved New Orleans Saints, and thus the "WHO DAT RACER" was born!

So hours upon hours were put into the making of the race car.  The car was cut/carved/sawed (obviously, I had no involvement because I don't even know the correct word to use!) into the aerodynamic shape, the body was hollowed out for weight placement, the axles were polished, the wheels were smoothed, the graphite was applied in a proprietary method which is now a trade secret (can you guess who is married to a patent attorney!), and the car was painted many, many, many times.  Brent had so many hours invested in this car that he was "going to be ticked if the Who Dat Racer didn't win."

The night before, Brent went to help set up for the races and took the Who Dat Racer along for a test run.  He came home just a wee bit giddy.  Apparently, the Who Dat Racer took on a few former Pinewood Derby champions in some test races and "smoked 'em!"  It was looking promising for the Who Dat Racer!


We arrived early to weigh in just in case minor adjustment were needed.

The Who Dat Racer was 0.5 ounces over the 5.0 oz weight limit, so Brent had to pop out a couple of the weights.

The Who Dat Racer was weighed again, and passed at exactly 5.0 oz.  Game on!  The Boy Scout pack ran the Pinewood Derby for the Cub Scout pack and they did a great job.  They took their responsibilities very seriously and were efficient at having the cars lined up and ready for each of the 50+ heats that were run.

The race track

  The competition

 The trophies

The tension was thick while cheering on the Who Dat Racer.

The Who Dat Racer won all four of its heats.  However, there was cause for concern.  One of the wheels had been giving Brent trouble the entire time, and he wasn't sure that the wheel would hold up for the races.  Sure enough, after the 3rd heat, the tenuous wheel fell off cracking the wood on the bottom of the race car.  Brent fixed it as best he could and the Who Dat Racer won its 4th heat, but the wheel came off again, this time completely splitting the wood rendering the Who Dat Racer done.  Brent was concerned because the Who Dat Racer had won all of its heats so we expected to move on to the finals, and we knew the Who Dat Racer had run its last race.  So sad to make it to the finals and not be able to compete.  It was then that a veteran Pinewood Derby dad told us that there were no finals.  Each of your heat times were averaged to give a final racing time...results were based on the average of the heat times.  The Who Dat Racer was back in the game!!

So we waited with fingers crossed for all of the tabulating and calculating.  

The 2012 Pinewood Derby Overall Winner was The Who Dat Racer!  
 I don't know who was more excited, the boy or the dad!  However, there's work to be done on the boy's championship smile!

The Who Dat Racer had an average time of 9.56 seconds which translates into an average speed of 206.8 mph.  The second place overall finisher (who won the whole thing last year) had an average time of 9.61 seconds which translates into an average speed of 205.8 mph.

Suffice it to say, there is a target on Brent's back now.  But he ain't skerd.  He's been doing more research and has a few tricks up his sleeve for next year.  Game on!



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