Tuesday, March 6, 2012

101 in 1001: Update

One thing I have discovered as a SAHM is that it can be very easy to not to get alot accomplished if I am not intentional with my time.  I tend to think that I have plenty of time to get that done, so I'll work on that...tomorrow.  Whereas when I was working, free time was limited, so when I had it, I had to make the most of it.  This year, I am going back to the To Do list and a more structured schedule.  I work better if I have a plan for my day, some direction for what needs to be accomplished, and the satisfaction of crossing completed tasks off the list.    We'll see how well I do.

I have a year and 6 months left for the 101 in 1001 goals, and I need to plan how I am going to tackle the list.  Looking through it, there have been a few things that I have completed that don't really warrant a full blog post so I'll just lump them all together here.

Goal 16: Complete a Beth Moore Bible Study: I've heard great things about Beth Moore's Bible studies and have always wanted to do one.  This fall, it worked out that our church was offering a Bible study on Wednesday morning while both boys were in school so it was a perfect time for me.  We studied Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent.  I enjoyed the study; others in our group who had done multiple Beth Moore studies said that it wasn't their favorite, but me having nothing to compare it to, I liked it!  Beth Moore is a phenomenal teacher, with a wonderful ability to make the Bible come alive.  And she is hilarious.  I could have listened to her teach for hours.  And I loved our study group...we were a small but faithful group that spanned the generations.  But the spiritual wisdom packed into those ladies was wonderful.  I never left a meeting where I felt that I hadn't learned something from one of them.  And they sure were encouraging to this mama who is still in the trenches of child rearing!

Goal 62: Buy new towels: So I knew over a year ago that we needed new towels.  We've had the ones we were using for a looong time, I won't tell you how long because I'll embarrass myself.  But they were starting to fray and they had lost there fluff and they were starting to smell a little mildew-y after the second or third use (please don't tell me you use your towel once and then wash it.  please don't pile that guilt upon my June Cleaver heart).  So I put 'new towels' on the list.  And why did I have to put them on a list?  Because I knew if they weren't an actual goal that I could cross off a list, I probably wouldn't buy them.  Why?  Because who wants to spend money on towels.  As Will would say BORING, BOOOOR-ING!  But I broke down and used some of my Christmas money and bought BIG, FLUFFY, WHITE TOWELS.  And they are not frayed, and they are soft, and they are clean, and they are bleachable.  And they were on sale!

Goal 65: Fill up the picture frame in Will's room:

We had Will's room transformed from the nursery into a big boy room when he was 3.  And for the next 2 years, this picture frame sat empty or partially filled.  It is the most aggravating frame to find pictures for because the windows are not standard sizes.  So annoying.  Once again, when I was making out my 101 in 1001 goals list, I knew I had to put "fill up the picture frame" on the list or else it would sit there empty for another 2 years.  At least.  I finally found enough pictures to fill out the windows and, for the most part, I'm pleased with it.  I can always change out pictures over time (haha, it would probably take me another 2 years to do that!), but at least the blank windows aren't mocking me any longer!

The top two picture were taken when Will was 4 and 3, respectively.  Will and his good buddy, O, playing dress up.  They each had their own Spider Man costume and were showing off their super hero muscles.  Jack and Will at the beach.  I love that they are holding hands and their feet are kicking up the sand.  Sweet and sassy at the same time!  The bottom row of pictures were taken within the last 6 months.  The first is a picture of Will and Mimi at Christmas time.  Will is hamming it up for the camera.  Jack is standing on Mimi's left side.  When Jack saw the picture frame, he said "Hey!  Did you cut me out of the picture?!?!"  Blame it on the frame, buddy.  The middle picture is Will with his good buddy, B.  They have a standing play date every Tuesday.  The last picture is from our trip to Disney, which will always be a favorite family memory.


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