Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 24

Saturday, June 11

The traveling continued this weekend as we headed to the lake for a little sun, fun, and R & R.  Saturday afternoon, we went on a boat ride to survey the April 27th tornado damage to the Windermere area of Lake Martin.  Will was so proud to be able to drive the boat by himself (I love the biting of his lip in concentration!).  We were in very capable hands, especially since Granddaddy wasn't too far away.

Sunday, June 12

The cousins came up to the lake around lunchtime to swim and play.  They swam, jumped, went on a boat ride and skipped rocks.  And everyone was sad when it was time to go home.

Monday, June 13

Jack and Will are at VBS this week.  We stayed after to play on the playground for a little while.  I don't know what this piece of equipment is called, but the point is to swing yourself in a complete circle, and of course, the faster the better.  Jack, the old pro, was showing us how it is done.

Tuesday, June 14

It's a Tuesday night in June, so that can only mean one thing...Swim Meet!  Tonight, Gramma and Granddaddy traveled to watch Jack compete.  His best race by far was the 25 yd backstroke.  Jack came off of the block a little late, but no worries.  He swam hard and strong the entire race and came in first place!  Granddaddy said it was worth the 5 hour round trip drive just to see that!

Wednesday, June 15

Jack's orthodontic journey, that is.  Well, at least phase I of it.  Unfortunately, Jack has inherited Brent's and my very narrow mouths (although Brent would beg to differ that he does, in fact, have a rather big mouth!).  So phase I involves expanding Jack's jaw in order to make room for all of these permanent teeth that are coming in.  Phase II will be straightening those teeth once they have the room.  This is going to be EX-PEN-SIVE!  And it appears there have been some upgrades to the orthodonists' waiting rooms since I was a patient; gone are the magazines and aquariums and in their place are video games.

Thursday, June 16

Will's group, the yellow fish, had the honor of leading the songs this morning at VBS.  Will sang and did the motions to all of the songs.  Our church gives each child a CD with all of the VBS songs, so by the time Jack and Will arrived on the first day, they had already memorized all of the songs.  Will's favorite songs were "I Wanna Say YES!" and "Jesus Fill My Heart."  Jack's favorites were "El Shaddai" and "I Believe."

Friday, June 17

Tomorrow is Jack's 8th birthday!  But tonight we were having his birthday present delivered to the house.  Jack and Will were so excited that they pulled up chairs and camped out in front of the dining room window watching for the truck.  What could it be?!?!


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