Friday, September 3, 2010

Wild About Me!

During the first two weeks of school, Jack's class has been doing activities on friendship in order to
discover why each child is special and different and to develop positive self concepts.  One of the activities was a “WILD ABOUT ME” bag of items relating to themselves. Each student was to share about themselves using photos, games, books, toys, trophies, etc., so that the class would get to know each other better.

Jack's presentation was today!  When he got in the car this afternoon, I asked him how the presentation went, and my normal man-of-little-information just spilled forth with all the details.  I thought I better record this historic event, so the next time my man-of-little-information is tight-lipped about his school day, I can remember the time when he told me verbatim about his WILD ABOUT ME presentation.

The narration is all Jack and the bad photography is all me.

This is my favorite mini figure.  His name is Mr. No Head.  My favorite Lego's are Lego city.

This is my great grandma MiMi, and she was holding me.  This picture was after my baptism.

Just for accuracy, this picture wasn't taken after Jack's baptism but the previous month.   I think he had baptism on the brain because just before we looked at this picture of Jack and MiMi, we were looking at some adorable pictures of Jack riding back to Honey and Happy's house after his baptism when he was just laughing and talking with his mama.  And we both agreed that he was just the most precious thing!

But this picture of Mimi and Jack is one of my favorites.  Brent, Jack and I were staying with Mom and Dad for several weeks while Brent studied for the Bar and Grandmother came down to help with the new baby.  Jack had colic as an infant and we discovered that he did best when he was on his tummy on someone's chest.  So here he is taking his afternoon nap on Mimi, and she refused to put him down because he was sleeping so well.  We had to prop her arms up with pillows because they were getting so tired and falling asleep on her! 

This was my first day of school when I was only 1 year old.

 Picture day for the toddler class in Mother's Morning Out; Jack's first experience with school.  Oh my!  If he got any cuter, I think I would explode! 

This was last year's swim team trophy.  I've been swimming for 3 years and my favorite stroke is backstroke.

And he is mighty good at backstroke, too!  Won 1st place in 3 of his backstroke events this summer.  Proud mama =).

Saving the best for last.  I've been planning this since the first day of school, and this is  my coke bottle.  {YAY!! from classmates}  I got this before the first day of school when I went to the World of Coke with my Dad.  My favorite drink was The Beverly. 

Jack and Brent went to the World of Coke one afternoon this summer, and he has not stopped talking about it.  It was 3 hours of Coca-Cola trivia and he soaked up every minute of it!  Brent said they watched a movie about Coke during the tour, and The Beverly drink was mentioned over and over during the show.  So in the sampling room, they had to try The Beverly and Brent said it was just awful!  But Jack thought is was great!  Wonder if that has something to do with both of his grandmothers being named Beverly?!?!

It was an interesting experience for me to see what items Jack selected to share and hear how these things related to his vision of himself. 

And for the record, we think he is one A-MAZ-ING kid!


BBennett said...

Mimi will be so proud to know she was part of Jack's presentation.

Amy said...

I thought she would get a kick out of that!

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