Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home Bound

We have spent alot of time at home the last few weeks. Although I am a homebody by nature, I am starting to get cabin fever. We are in the process of remodeling our foyer and powder room, and since early August, we have had a steady stream of contractors (painter, artist, tiler, electrician, plumber) in and out of the house. A bit of artwork will round out the remodel and then I'll share pictures.

Then Monday evening, Will started running a fever. I am certain I know where he picked up this latest bug...a couple of days earlier I heard Jack, from the backseat of the car, exclaim, "WILL IS LICKING HIS SHOE!!!" Yes! Ewwwww, Gross! Boys! So unfortunately, Will missed visiting his new classroom and meeting his new teachers this morning, but we have enjoyed being lazy.

Jack is enjoying First Grade.  He has conquered 2 spelling tests and tomorrow is his first math test.  He is doing swim team again this year, and let me tell you...swim team gets serious starting at age 7.  Practices last for 45 minutes and it is pretty much straight swimming.  He is hanging tough, swimming the entire time and not complaining too much.  We have also added soccer to the activities this fall, which was a complete surprise to Brent and me.  Jack's only experience in soccer was the 3 year old Kiddie Kickers, which really didn't excite him at the time.  I think his motivation to play soccer this fall is purely social, but that is fine by me.  The Blue Tornadoes had their first game last Saturday and won 10-3, which is always a great way to start the season.  Jack was a pretty good little defensive player!  But if you ask Jack, I am sure he will tell you that the highlight of the game was the Coke-Blue Raspberry swirled Icee at the end of the game!  Whatever it takes to motivate!

We are gearing up for football season in this house!  Miami and FAMU play tomorrow night...Are you ready for some football?!?!?!


BBennett said...

Jack is looking so old! Where is the baby? Will is looking like Will! Precious both of them.

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