Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Working Out the Spiritual Kinks

I am on the Spiritual Life committee for Jack's kindergarten class, and it has been a blessing. Throughout the year, we have gone into the classroom to teach lessons on various topics...Guardian Angels, Saints, the Advent Wreath, and the Holy Family. During Lent, we are learning about the Stations of the Cross. Each week, we discuss 4 of the Stations of the Cross and then do an activity to reinforce the meaning of Lent.

Today the children made Station of the Cross coloring books. Jack only had time to color in a few of the pages in class, so he was working on coloring a few more tonight before bed. After he had finished coloring, Jack brought the book to Will and me and started reading Station 1. After each station was read, we then said the prayer, "We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world."

Jack would read the station to us and then he and I would say the prayer together. During the prayer of the second Station, Will pipes up, "I am tired of that!" I pretended I didn't hear him. During the third Station prayer, he again says, "I am tired of that!" And finally after the fourth Station when he emphatically said, "Oh I am soooo tired of that!", we postponed the Stations of the Cross until Jack's bedtime story time.

Please pray for Will's soul....


Blythe said...

Ha! I love that kid!

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