Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh, the Threes!

It's been awhile. Not too much to share, we've just been busy with our daily routine. I do have some cute pictures of the boys playing in the snow, but I'm having trouble getting them off of my camera and onto the computer. Our computer has been under attack for the past couple of weeks by a virus. It first happened 2 weeks ago when I was downloading some Homeowners Association documents I needed to review before a board meeting. The virus caused all of these Viagra and porn sites to keep popping up...just nasty! So we had to shut down the computer so little eyes wouldn't see the trash until Brent could clean it up that weekend. Then last night, I was opening up an Evite invitation and it happened again! Brent worked his magic and everything is cleaned up, but I suspect that the anti-virus and anti-malware software are preventing me from uploading my pictures. So I'll have to confer with Brent before I try to go around the wall!

We have entered into the Terrible Threes with Will. The 3s were a "bit challenging" with Jack and I suspect that Will is going to be just as tough if not tougher! He has always been a funny child, saying some of the cutest things; however, recently he is crossing the line into sassy. I am trying to reign him in. The other day as I was getting him dressed, Will looked at me and said, "Mommy, I am in charge!" Au contraire, my friend!

Yesterday, I pick Will up from school and as we are driving home he finds a piece of Valentine's hard candy in the car. Of course, he wants to eat it immediately. I explain that the hard candy might make him choke, I have other candy at home that he can have, but that first he must eat his lunch before having candy. Well, seriously, just how unreasonable can one mother be?!?! He cries and complains all the way home about wanting to eat candy for lunch. I tell him that is not going to happen and offer him several of his favorite lunch options. No go. We pull into the garage, and I open the door for him to get out of the car, once again for the hundredth time telling Will that he can have candy only after he eats his lunch.

The child looks at me and says, "Stop it, Old Lady!"

Now if I hadn't been the mama who the insult was hurled at, I would have busted out laughing (and have since laughed about it, particularly that he chose to call me old lady as I am approaching my 39th birthday!). But in raising boys into men, I am particularly sensitive to how they speak to me. I don't want any disrespectful attitudes to develop that carry over into how they address their wives, daughters, or any other women in their lives.

So I made it clear to Will that was not the proper way to address his mother and would not be tolerated in this family.

And he looks at me and says, "You stop it, Mr. Old Lady!" Because the Mr. does add that touch of respect I was looking for!

Will then took the walk of shame to his room for Timeout.


Karen said...

Let me know about the pictures. I have just tried for the 3rd time to load our snow day pictures too and it will not work. I have snow day pictures and V-day pictures to post....frustrating when you have time to sit and load and they will not load, especially the same ones for the 3rd time!

Amy said...

I'll check and see if it is on our end, but maybe it is Blogger? I'll let you know.

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