Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

We have had a nice weekend. Brent had to work some this weekend, but he was able to get alot done in a quiet office so that will help in the coming weeks. I went to our annual homeowners meeting Saturday morning, and was elected to serve on the Homeowners Association board for the next 2 years. So that was good news for me! Also, the homeowners approved taking out a $450K loan to renovate and upgrade all of neighborhood amenities (pool, tennis courts, clubhouse and playground). I am so excited because the comprehensive plans are just beautiful! Also, our neighborhood was built in the mid 80s and there haven't been any real upgrades since then so we need to spruce up the amenities a bit. It is going to be a fun time of change for our neighborhood and I am excited to be a part of the process. The meeting ended up lasting 3 hours and then I stayed afterwards to partake of the celebratory mimosas! I came home to find the boys and Addison, their favorite babysitter, having the best time. After this past week of sickness-induced togetherness, I think we all enjoyed the break from each other.

I called Brent to share with him the good news about the upcoming renovations and he said "Think of some place fun we can go for dinner." We decided to surprise the boys with Chuck E Cheese. Jack had his 5th birthday party there and we haven't been back since, but not because we have ill feelings toward the mouse, we just forget about these fun activities for a cold winter afternoon. The boys, unaware of where we were going, were thrilled when we pulled into the parking lot, although this being Will's first time at CEC, he really didn't know what he was excited about! We ordered our pizza, found a table, and Brent and I enjoyed catching up with each other while the boys climbed in the tunnel above our heads until the pizza arrived. After dinner, we all headed off to play.
A little bit of bear and deer hunting

Will loved the roller coaster!
I have found my roller coaster buddy, just needs to grow a few more inches.

Jack riding the helicopter all the way to the ceiling.

Winning tickets so that he can buy prizes.

Will playing in the Toddler Zone.
He loved this Barney "Traim".

And of course, Will loved driving the monster truck that would toss him around!

Jack won enough tickets to score some Pop Rocks and lollipops for himself and Will. Will practically danced out of CEC because he "got treats! I love candy!" We all left having had the best time!

Today was a rainy, dreary day. Brent went to work for a few hours and the boys and I went to the gym. I ran 4 miles! Yay me! And did a yoga class. I really love this yoga class and need to try to work it into my weekly workout plan. When I picked the boys up from the gym nursery, one of my favorite ladies asked if the boys ever fought at home. I just rolled my eyes and snorted. Do they ever?!?! Thankfully, she said that they get along so well in the nursery, don't fight, and play nicely together & with the other children. Well, hallelujah for small miracles! I'll try to remember that as they are picking at and irritating each other this week. The boys were wearing their Saint shirts and as we are leaving the gym, a lady started teasing Jack saying, "Go Vikings!" Jack gave it right back saying," Who Dat? Who Dat? Who Dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints! Boo Vikings!" Oh, his Honey would be so proud! I think he is officially a Saints fan! =)

We watched football this afternoon until Daddy got home. Brent cooked us a yummy breakfast for dinner...scrambled cheesy eggs, boudin, and cinnamon apples! And now we are watching the Saints.....

Come on Saints!

edited to add: Woo Hoo! Pigs must be flying and the devil's wearing a sweater because


Beverly B said...

We were cheeering right along with you. So glad for the Saints' fans and players.

Congratulation for being on the board of homeowners. I know how excited you must be to see them ready to redo the playground!

Enjoyed going to CEC with you via the pictures.

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