Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Will!

Will has been eagerly anticipating his third birthday for months, well really since Jack's birthday in June. Every time anyone in the family had a birthday, Will insisted that it was his birthday. So on December 22, finally the big day had arrived.

That morning, I heard Jack wake up Will with a sweet "Happy Birthday, Will!" They came downstairs, climbed in bed with us, and we sang Happy Birthday to one excited little boy. Since we had just gotten back from New Orleans/Baton Rouge the night before, we had a slow leisurely morning of watching cartoons before starting the birthday palooza! Let the fun begin!

It has become somewhat of a tradition for our little family to go to Build-a-Bear workshop for Will's birthday. We had his first birthday party there and ever since, Jack insists that we go back. It has always been such a fun day where we set aside the anticipation of Christmas and just focus on Will.

Will's favorite food right now is mac-n-cheese, so we went to Panera where Jack and Will had the mac-n-cheese kid's meal and I had their wonderful soup & sandwich.
Umm, umm, GOOD!

Will proving that it is indeed finger-lickin' good!

Then it was off to the mall. Jack had already decided that he wanted to make a Star Wars bear, was debating between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, and in the end Darth Vader won out. Will chose a cute little puppy (this is his 3rd puppy), and named him Mishka Mooska Mickey Mouse (from here on out referred to as M4)...sound familiar to all of you other Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fans? While we were waiting in line, the boys discovered the sounds station. Here you can either record a message for your animal to say or select a prerecorded song. Will loved the Birthday Bear song and so we added that to M4's paw.

Will listening to the Birthday Bear song one last time. Rock on, Dude!

Will presses the pedal to help stuff M4.

Making a wish and a kiss on M4' s new heart.
Every year, I find this part so adorable and worth every penny I pay for these animals!

First Bath

Jack, the Build-a-Bear pro, helps to stuff Star Wars Fan. I must say in regards to the naming of my future grandbabies, I am going to seriously encourage them to defer to my daughters-in-law's name selections.

Star Wars Fan passes the "Huggable Test".

We made sure everyone was thoroughly clean. If only they took such care when bathing themselves!

M4 and Star Wars Fan with their proud daddies just after the official adoption.

As we were headed to the carousel, Will and Jack saw a train that was taking shoppers on a little ride through the mall. So of course, we couldn't miss out on that fun!
Jack had his heart set on riding in the caboose; I almost had to knock a lady down to get that car! Will loved riding in the 'traim' and would wave and yell "Hey!" to all the people as we passed by.

Having fun on the carousel. Surprisingly, one turn was enough to satisfy argument from me!

By this time, I was pooped from all of the birthday fun, but they still had a bit of birthday energy to burn off. We headed to the mall's play area where they ran, climbed, and tumbled for an hour and a half more.

And then it was time to head home for dinner and cookie cake!

Just about 2 minutes before, he insisted "I not tired!"

Will had to have a 'traim' cookie cake since he loves trains and we had just ridden one that afternoon. That is the story that will be passed down to future generations.

Not at all that The Great American Cookie Co was just 6 feet away from the play area, thus saving me a stop by the grocery store on the way home...oh no ma'am! Ahem.

The second time in 3 days that Will turns 3! Want a little spit with that cookie?!?! Anyone?

Happy Birthday, my Love Bug!


Blythe said...

That is so cute. I need to remember that when baby comes. I may take the boys for a special outing. And, I have determined that Jack's names are great - very creative. =). Glad Will had a great birthday,

LL said...

Aurelia is nuts for Mickey "House" and Co. She gets so excited when the show comes on TV, you'd think they appeared in the doorway. Sounds like it was a fun outing!

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