Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Double the Strep Means Double the Fun

Both boys have strep! Last week (and it is still lingering), Brent had this awful, nasty headcold. Friday night, Will woke with just a bit of a fever and over the weekend has had a cold. Well since Monday, Jack has had a fever. Yesterday, Will's eyes started looking puffy and red, which has never happened before. This morning Jack woke up with fever and started to complain that his knees and throat hurt. Well, fever and sore throat were enough to set off the alarm bells. I made an appointment with the doctor's office and told them I was bringing little brother in, too. I thought Will only had a cold but I wanted the Dr. to look at him and say "Yes, it is only a cold."

Let me just say...I am raising DRAMA QUEENS! You would not believe the amount of carrying on these two can do. Before we even left the house Jack is crying about how "he is never going to feel better and will probably die" and "that medicine won't work and he'll probably die". Alright, I get it, you feel just horrible, but please, cut me a break with all of the drama!

So we get to the Dr. office and Will tells everyone that comes within a foot radius of him that he is "fine, just fine". Isn't it amazing how one can be instantly cured by just stepping foot into the Dr office?!?! Too bad for Will, but I had just paid the copay, so he was going to be seen come hell or high water.

Will was a star as they weighed him and took his temperature (no temp), but then put on a show when the Dr was listening to his breathing, checking his ears, and checking his throat (inflammed). I mean, seriously....

As soon as we walked in they did a strep test on Jack (oh the tears!), which surprisingly came back negative because the Dr said he was classic strep presentation. She felt certain it would be positive in the morning. She wanted to do a strep test on Will (which she apologized to me because she realized the drama that was about to take place) since he has had this for several days longer, and if his strep test came back negative, then she would test them both for flu.

Now at this point, I was hoping it was strep because every year before our flu shots, I really play up how dangerous getting the flu is, how it can make you very, very sick, how little children can end up in the hospital (and I wonder where my children get their flair for the dramatic?!?!), and we don't want any of that happening to us so that is why we get the flu shot. If they both got the flu after getting the shot, Jack would never let me forget it! So bring on the strep...

Will's test came back positive so we left with two prescriptions for antibiotics and the directive to drink lots of fluids. The bonus is that they can have popsicles, pudding, yogurt and ice cream, too! All of Will's favorites =). Yippee!

So we are homebound through tomorrow and then they are both cleared to go to school on Friday. I am already thinking about how I can treat myself on Friday for surviving all of the drama...


Beverly B said...

I hesitate to say this is pay back. But, I can't remember the number of times you had strep as a little child. Hope they feel better tomorrow.

Amy said...

Very interesting...the pharmacist said that I had this exact same prescription filled for them this time last year!

Beverly B said...

The good news is that you did grow out of having strep every year!

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