Tuesday, January 19, 2010

As Far as Birthday Parties Go, Three's a Charm!

We wrapped up Will's birthday "season" with a party for his friends at Gymboree. He and his little friends had the best time...they ran, climbed, jumped, slid, tumbled, crawled and danced. Warning: This post will be picture overload!

The party started with free play, allowing the kids to get comfortable and explore the new surroundings.
Mommy's Monkeys

Will's best buddy, C, jump jump jumping!

Cute little E crawling through the tunnels

Sliding is always fun, but I could never get W to look at the camera; he was too fast!

The birthday boy walking on the balance beam.

After free play, it was time for songs and games.
The girls singing and shaking maracas.

This was a fun game...Ms. Amy sat on one end of the "log" and the children walked to the elevated end. Then Ms. Amy counted down to zero as she bounced the log.

At zero, the children jumped off the end.

They all loved it and everyone had to have lots of turns.

The next game was a "log roll". The children would sit on the log with Ms. Amy and she would gently rock everyone while singing a song (I don't remember the words to the song).

The last line of the song was about falling off, which of course led to this...
Off they go!
Another fun game =).

Then more free play...

Rolling, rolling, rolling

Walking elephants

A barrel full of cute little monkeys

And what is a party without bubbles!

The next game was the all time favorite! Barrel Rolling!



Finally, we wrapped up the play with parachute time. You know the drill: spin around on top of the parachute, sing & dance in the parachute house, lie down as the parachute rises and falls above you...good times!
Singing and dancing in the parachute house

And then we moved to the party room for pizza and cake...
The theme was Go Diego Go (of course!)

The cake was a big hit. All of the kids ohhed and ahhed at Dora and Diego, and nobody gave into the temptation to touch the cake before it was cut. I was quite surprised!

Will is turning 3 for the third time in 3 weeks!
If there was any doubt before, we can be certain that he is 3!

Do you feel like you have been to the party now?!? Will's birthday season has officially come to an end, but it was a rockin' good time!


LL said...

Wow, we went to essentially the exact same place on Saturday for a party. In Mobile, it's called Watermelon Patch. Same equipment you guys have, plus a zip line, a little coaster from Step 2, and an inflatable jump thingie. Aurelia's third birthday will probably be there. They do the bubbles, the parachute, the singing. I love it! The kids all seem to love it and have the best time.

Glad Will was properly feted.

Amy said...

It was the most wonderful place to have a party. The teacher did everything, literally...she decorated the room, lead the playtime, set out the pizza, cut the cake. It was so easy! The kids had a blast!

Beverly B said...

What a great party!

LL said...

My favorite thing is that everything is scaled smaller for the little kids, yet older children have fun too. Pump It Up is just overwhelming, to me. Little kids just get lost in there.

It looks like everyone had a blast! Now hopefully those drama queens will shake off the sicks and get out of your hair.

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