Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Will's New Big Boy Room

If you are still checking in on me, I thank you! I have no excuse for my extended absence other than life...and it has been busy. Because I hope to start scrapbooking again soon and I will use this blog as my journaling, I will try to highlight some of the events that took place in December. But by now it is old news.

A big highlight of the month was transforming the nursery into a big boy room for Will. We set up the nursery when Jack was about 4 months old (we moved into our house when Jack was 6 weeks old) and it has worked perfectly for both boys. I loved this nursery! It was so peaceful and calming and I just loved rocking my babies here.

So here are a few pictures of the nursery (You'll see some prints on the glider's ottoman; those are the inspiration pictures for the new room).

Will is such a happy-go-lucky, funny, outdoors-loving boy. I saw these prints several years ago when we were in New Orleans and my mother-in-law brought them as a surprise for me when she came to visit! They have been aging well over the past several years just waiting for the right place to be used.

These prints are hanging in Will's part of the jack-n-jill bath

The little boys in the prints just remind me of Will and his infectious personality. So I called the decorator who did Jack's room and told her I had an idea for a "modern Tom Sawyer" room; I didn't know how to pull it together, but I thought it could be really cute in her hands. Dawne loves a challenge and was excited to be working with a somewhat "different/non-typical" theme.

Without further adieu, the unveiling of the big boy room (drum roll):

Jane, the artist, painted Jack's big boy room, and I was so excited to have her back for Will's room. I just love her work!

A close up of the tree. Because of the architecture of the room, it looks like the tree branches are growing into the room. The rope swing is so cute!

A close up of the bunny and bluejay. A funny coincidence...both Brent and Jane are originally from New Orleans. As Jane was finishing up, she casually asked what high school Brent went to. I told her Jesuit. She said, "Tell Brent, from one yat to another..." and then proceed to paint this cute little bluejay (Jesuit's mascot) in about 15 minutes. I stood there amazed! Oh, to be so talented!

More of the cute little critters

The window treatment was designed to look like overall suspenders. A subtle hint to the "Tom Sawyer" theme. Dawne wanted the tree to "grow" over the window seat, with the idea being that Will could read his books sitting under the tree.

Isn't this a fun light fixture?!?! Wispy clouds are also painted on the ceiling.

This is my father-in-law's (aka Happy) childhood teddy bear. It was at home in the nursery and I am happy that he is at home (and well protected) in the big boy room. I just love having these pieces of family history. Also, the bed that Will is sleeping in was Happy's bed, too!

Brent's and my favorite accessory, the firefly nightlight. Will's favorite accessory is the big puppy that sits on his bed. He has to sleep with it everynight!

We are so pleased with how the room was transformed. And I know Will is going to love his new room for many years to come!


Beverly B said...

So glad you posted the pictures so I can enjoy the room again!

Blythe said...

Absolutely precious! I am sad to see the nursery go because it was just a beautiful room. However, this is so cute and I think Will is going to have a blast in it.

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