Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saying Goodbye to the Nursery...

and hello to a new big boy room makes Mommy and Daddy just a little sad. We loved this nursery! It was so calm and peaceful, and a wonderful little spot to rock a baby. Both boys grew up (too fast, I might add) in the same nursery. On the walls, hung baby pictures of their grandparents and great-grandparents, almost as if those that have always loved them, even before they knew them, were watching over them at night. The crib is packed away in the attic and Brent told Jack that we were saving it for his children to sleep in when they come to visit. And the thought of seeing Jack's and Will's babies sleeping in the same crib as their fathers made me smile.

Then we set up the big boy bed. And one soon-to-be three year old was beyond excited about this rite of passage. For months, he has loved crawling into Jack's big boy bed and pretending to fall asleep. Tonight, he had his own big boy bed to crawl into. He looks so tiny in the full size bed, reminded me of how tiny he looked as a newborn in his crib. We read a story, gave kisses, said "I love you, sweet dreams, see ya in the morning!", and turned out the light. And he fell right to sleep. I had anticipated that he would be in and out of bed celebrating his new freedom, but we didn't hear a peep out of him.

The big boy room should be finished over the next two weeks. Of course I am having a decorator help me, because I hope we have established that I have exactly zero talent in the interior design field. I will share pictures once the room is complete. It is exciting!


Blythe said...

Oh my goodness - what an angel! I can't wait to see the finished product and to ask Will all about his big boy room!

Amy said...

He is a sweet boy!

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