Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween Parties

Halloween is a special time for the kindergarteners at Jack's school. They are allowed to wear their Halloween costumes to school and they have a parade, walking all around the school to show all of the other classes their costumes. Jack decided to be Darth Vadar, so we got the costume a couple of weeks early and were all set. Then I get an email requesting "no masks and that the costumes allow the students to be self-sufficient, especially in the restroom." Well, that pretty much put an end to Darth Vadar because the costume is a one-piece jumpsuit, and can Darth Vadar even survive without his life-supporting mask?!?!? So, I found an Anakin Skywalker costume (with a really cool mask...look for it in the upcoming Halloween pics) that was 2 pieces, a long tunic over pants. Perfect! Jack thought it was a great idea...for school, he would be Anakin, and then 2 days later, Anakin would cross over to the Dark Side and he would be Darth Vadar for Halloween.

From the report of the teacher, the parade was fun but exhausting. The children paraded through every classroom, walked over to the church so that Monsignor could join the fun, and then back to the school. Alot of walking for little feet. That afternoon was the Halloween party. We started off with a Jack-o-Lantern Krispy Kreme donut and juice. Nothing like alot of sugar to get ya in the party spirit. Then the teachers took turns dipping their hands in "gooey brains and guts" to pull out spiders, eyeballs, and other equally gross stuff! And finally games! We had 6 different game/craft stations set up, divided the class into 6 groups, and then rotated everyone through the games. I was helping with the pumpkin ring toss, so wasn't able to get many pictures, but here are a few to share.

Waiting patiently for the treats

Make a Mummy station

I think I recognize that cute mummy

Jack the Mummy

Will's class party was a bit more low-keyed compared to Jack's. At this age, the party is basically decorations and lunch with a treat. Jack was out of school that day, so Will was excited that Jack and Mommy would be coming to his party, and made sure that his teachers knew that Jack would be there. I told Jack that I was going to bring a Halloween book, just in case we needed a little activity. Well, Jack got it in his mind that he was going to read the book to the class. I explained over and over that I wasn't sure there would be an opportunity to read the book, that the book was a Plan B, etc., but when Jack gets an idea in his mind....

While the children were at the playground, the mothers decorated the tables and got the food ready. The children returned to the classroom, but the mom who was bringing the plates, cups, and napkins hadn't arrived yet. The teachers asked if we would like to do an activity. Hallelujah, Plan B!! Why yes, Jack would love to read a Halloween story!

Jack reading Peek-a-Boooo! by Marie Torres Cimarusti. A very cute book introducing Halloween to the youngest trick-or-treaters. Both of my boys have loved this book.

Enjoying a yummy lunch

So much fun for our little ghost and goblin!


Beverly B said...

Thanks for the posting. Now I feel like I've been to the Halloween parties!

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