Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!

I had to go grocery shopping this the drizzling rain (I am so tired of this rain!). We were out of just about everything except ketchup, pickle relish, and a couple of cloves of garlic, and try as I might, I could not come up with a single recipe for dinner using solely ketchup, pickles and garlic. Since Starbucks is just a couple of doors down from Kroger's, I needed to fortify myself for the mega grocery shopping I was about to embark upon in the rain. I treated myself to this wonderful concoction, and let's just say, I hope it is raining next week when I have to make the groceries!

Starbucks has a new Holiday drink...Caramel Brulee Latte! Oh my, the deliciousness! I haven't met a Starbucks seasonal drink yet that I haven't loved...the Pumpkin Spice latte, the Peppermint Mocha latte, the Eggnog Latte, and now, the Caramel Brulee Latte. Love them all, but the Caramel Brulee just may be my favorite (I'm so sorry, Pumpkin Spice latte). It is rich & creamy, creamy & rich, and I love the little caramel pieces on top.

Have you tried these specialty chicken sausages? They are so good! We've tried the chicken & apple, the Italian sausage with mozzarella, and the spicy mango with jalapeno. The spicy mango is fantastic...a nice combination between the sweetness of the mango and just enough of a kick from the jalapeno! What Brent and I like is that these sausages aren't greasy and heavy like regular pork sausage. And the boys loved them as well, which is always a bonus. For the past couple of weekends, we have grilled out several varieties of the sausages along with some stoplight peppers & onions. So easy and so delicious.

I love a good apple, but am somewhat particular about my has to be a sweet apple with a good crunch. For the longest time, I was a Fuji devotee and then I discovered Honey Crisp apples. The Honey Crisps are delicious and have been a reliable fall snack, but this year I have discovered the perfect apple...the Ambrosia apple. It is crisp, juicy, so sweet, and very fragrant! It has a faint honey taste. Also, the Ambrosia doesn't seem to brown as quickly as other varieties of apples. I like to core and cut my apple into wedges, and none of the wedges turn brown before I can finish the apple. A nice bonus =). I have found these at Kroger's; see if you can find them at your store and definitely give them a try!

Kroger's Private Selection brand Garden Salsa is one of the best salsas ever! It is restaurant quality salsa. It has become a weekend staple at our house, along with the football and nachos. Truthfully, I could skip the chips and just eat the salsa with a spoon.

I am so hungry now, and it is too late to eat. Well, those are all of my recent food finds...please share any gems that you've discovered!


Beverly B said...

I'm sending your dad out to Starbucks in the morning for that drink!

Amy said...

You will not be disappointed! I'll be having one, too =).

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