Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alabama Homecoming

It has become somewhat of a tradition that the boys and I go to Alabama's Homecoming game because Jack loves a parade and Will loves Mimi's house! We got up early Saturday morning and drove with my parents to Tuscaloosa so that we could get good seats for the parade. It was a tad bit chilly (read highs in the 50s...brrrr!), but that didn't get in the way of our fun one bit.

Here we are making sure that our shakers still work with a few pre-parade cheers.

Hey, Big Al!

The Million Dollar Band playing "Yea Alabama!" Never fails to give me chills =).

Jack loved getting High 5s from the pretty sorority girls! That boy has always been a big flirt. Will always loves doing what big brother is doing...it makes him feel so big!

Does it get any better than seeing Storm Troopers and Princess Leia in the parade?!? Not to a 6 year old boy who LOVES Star Wars!

After the parade, we decide to walk around the Quad for a bit. The tailgating on the Quad is absolutely amazing and I love having all the activities for the kids. The boys enjoyed some banana split Dippin Dots, which makes perfect sense because when it is a balmy 50 degrees outside, ice cream is so refreshing. After the snack, they decided that they were cold (really?!?!), so we decided to head to Mimi's.

Here we are in front of Bryant Denny Stadium.
Notice how tall Will is; now remember that he is only 2!

At Mimi's house, my cousin Laura and her daughter A were waiting to play. A and the boys became fast friends! Mimi, Mom, and Laura held down the fort while Dad and I went to watch Alabama defeat South Carolina (woo hoo!). From what I heard, they all had the best time.

Here we are having our own homecoming parade!

Will and A really enjoyed each other. They loved playing "Going to Starbucks". No joke! I'm not trying to start any rumors, but I wouldn't be surprised if Laura joins me in Starbucks rehab...I'm just sayin'.

Have you seen the Talking Toucan? From my experience, talking/singing stuffed animals are a big hit with the 2 year old crowd. And Mimi loves to foster a passion! I just look forward to the day the batteries die. But look at that happy little face =).

Isn't A just the cutest thing?!?!

Before we left, Brent made me promise that I would put the boys in their Miami jerseys for the game. So here is Mom's photographic evidence that they were dressed appropriately.

Dad & I didn't get back from the game until after 10 pm and then we had to drive back to my parent's house. The boys were such troopers and had the best time!

We are all looking forward to our next trip to Mimi's house!


Beverly B said...

It was such a fun day!

LL said...

Aw, you are so kind. A certainly did have a blast. She and Will were fast friends...it was so sweet to watch them clasp hands and skip off to their next adventure.

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