Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summertime, Summertime

Sum...Sum...Summertime! I was singing that in my head yesterday afternoon as the boys and I enjoyed our ice cream cones. And Holy Cow!, but a single scoop cone costs $3 these days. I KNOW. THREE DOLLARS. I mean, who do they think they are...Starbucks?

For inquiring minds, Jack got coffee chocolate chip (what can I say? The boy has a discriminating palate, or years of Starbucks treats have taken hold.), Will went for his tried and true favorite, chocolate, and I enjoyed key lime pie.

As you can tell, Will did not enjoy his ice cream one bit!

Doesn't that big goose egg above Will's right eye just break your heart? It does mine. As we were walking up to the ice cream stand (some of us might have been running), Will tripped over my foot and went head first into the concrete. It happened so fast that he didn't even have time to break his fall with his arms. Oh, it was bad! I felt terrible. And it was only later, while we are licking our cones, that I noticed the pitiful little right knee. He was sure that a Diego band-aid would make the boo-boo feel better, bless his heart.

After ice cream, an impromptu play date broke out between the boys and a little girl on Jack's swim team and her friend, who were also at Bruster's. We ended up staying there for an hour and they had a wonderful time. It was a fun change in our summer afternoon routine.

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!


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