Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sneak Peek at Kindergarten

Today has been a preview of kindergarten. This morning was a kindergarten boys play date and tonight was kindergarten parents orientation and open house. I am exhausted and my head is spinning with all of the information.

This morning 11 of the kindergarten boys met at a park for playing and a picnic lunch. This park not only has two regular "swings and slides" playgrounds but also a splash pad, which was a god-send today because it was sweltering! All of the boys seemed to have fun playing with each other and I think it will be nice on Monday for them to at least recognize faces even if they don't remember names.

Tonight, I went to the kindergarten open house. The first 1 1/2 hours were spent listening to all of the wonderful fundraising opportunities that we'll have available this year! Yay! Then we got the diagram illustrating the carpool lines. There are 2 alternative routes for the morning drop-off and one for afternoon pick-up. It will be easy to pick out the new kindergarten families in carpool line...we'll be the ones going the wrong way! But really I am just teasing about the fundraising and carpooling (well, sort of). I love Jack's kindergarten teacher, and think she is going to be a great fit for Jack! He is going to have a fun year. =)

This week we have been trying to adjust our morning schedule to the new school routine. Goodbye to sleeping in until 8:30, and hello to 6:30 wake up calls. Oh, this week has been hard...I was getting quite fond of everyone sleeping late! Now, I have a splitting headache so I am off to bed.

For the grandmothers: Here are an obnoxious number of pictures of the boys playing at the splash pad this morning.


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