Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cajun Invasion Part 2

Another relaxing weekend at the lake, this time with Brent's sister Bethany and her family. It was a short visit, as they were just passing through on their way to Sid's godchild's baptism on Saturday, but we'll take whatever time we can get! Once again, the boys had a great time with their cousins. Will declared that they were his "bee-yoo-ti-ful cousins"! I don't know where a 2 1/2 year old comes up with that, other than S, A, & S are all very pretty (& handsome)!

Unfortunately, I got no pictures, so you'll just have to imagine all of the pictures you would have seen of the swimming, jumping off of the dock (at least a thousand times), playing on Hawaii beach town, riding in the boat, and roasting marshmallows for s'mores, if I had actually taken my camera out of my purse. Oh, and drinking the Bloody Marys! That definitely would have merited a picture. Sid absolutely makes the best Bloody Mary! And because he is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, he always makes sure to have plenty of them whenever I am around. I am sure that bears no reflection on how much I can consume!

Because I care about you and your refreshment, I am sharing the recipe. And I challenge you to find a better Bloody Mary, 'cause it just can't be done!

Sid's Bloody Mary
  • 32 oz tomato juice
  • 6-7 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 3-4 Tbsp Pickapeppa sauce
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/3 c lime juice
  • several dashes of Tabassco sauce
  • 8 oz (or more) of Vodka
Mix ingredients and chill. Garnish with pickled okra and enjoy!


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