Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Have to Question the Vacation in VBS

This week is VBS! Because I am a group leader, Will is able to participate in VBS in the little 3 year old group. He is so excited that he gets to go to VBS like big brother Jack. His favorite part so far has been the slide and snacks (yesterday, it was goldfish and 'lemomade'). Today, my VBS group had crafts right after Will's group. The little ones were just finishing painting their picture frames, and I heard Will tell his helper, "I finished! Good painting, everybody!" So cute! The teen helper for Will's group, Thomas, is such a wonderful guy. Of course, Monday morning there were a few tears separating from Mom, but Thomas really bonded with several of the little guys and now has a few new buddies.

Jack is loving VBS, but this is not surprising because Jack has always LOVED VBS! He is enjoying learning all of the songs and dance movements that go along with them. Today, our theme was Pray, and this afternoon, Jack told me that he prayed to God. I asked him what he prayed about and he said, "Our house and our family." He is such a sweet child...and it is exciting to see the seeds being planted. I hope that he has as many wonderful memories of VBS as I do from my childhood.

Not much else to share...we've been busy, nothing really newsworthy, but I just felt like I needed to touch base with my 3 faithful readers. =)

Here are a few pictures from this weekend of the boys playing in our sprinkler system.

And here is Jack trying to give Will a hug. Was it a real hug or one of those "hugs"? I don't know. But I do know that Will promptly pulled Jack's hair. I comforted a protesting Jack by telling him that I had documented Will's ugliness for all the world to see. So now you see.....

For Jack's sake, just pretend that you can actually see Will pulling his hair. It will make him feel so much better!


beverlyb said...

I think I sometimes forget how much fun VBS could be. I always needed a nap after being a group leader!

Blythe said...

I expect bible songs when we come for our visit. Davis was all about singing about Jesus dying during Easter. I still cannot figure out what song his teachers were singing with them. Mimi said Lane was singing about Dead Jesus too.... Maybe we can start our own boy's choir.

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