Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Many More Weeks Until School Starts?!?!

It has been awhile...thanks for continuing to check in with me. We have been busy; busier than I imagined we would be for the first 2 1/2 weeks of summer. Jack is on our neighborhood swim team again this summer. He LOVES swim team...loves everything about it, the practices, the meets, the ribbons, the doughnuts! Last week was the first meet. Jack swam in the boys 6 & under 25 yd freestyle (heat 3) and won first place! Yesterday was the second meet. This time, he swam in the boys 6 & under 100 yd freestyle relay and the boys 6 & under 25 yd freestyle and won second place and third place! Amazing to see his improvement from last summer. I am one of 3 ladies who are running the concession stand. It has been fun but a bit all consuming!

So when we are not busy with swim team, the boys have enjoyed a new hobby...irritating and harassing the stew out of each other! It is non-stop. And it is amazing at the nonsense they can find to argue or pick at each other about. Just nonsense! One day this week, they both spent multiple time-outs in their respective rooms. I am now regretting my decision to scale back on Jack's summer camps. I think all 3 of us are on each others' nerves =). We went to the gym this morning and I was only going to stay for an hour. When I went to pick them up, neither one of them wanted to leave the gym nursery! They were refusing to leave!! So being the good mother that I am, I gave in and let them have another 1/2 hour while I went to the treadmill (oh the peace and quiet!). When I went back, they were still grumbling about having to leave. Definitely a sign of a good nursery when the kids don't want to leave. I think I have found my new summer camp...we'll be there for the full 2 hours allowed 5 days a week (just kidding...well, maybe...depending on how bad the bickering gets!).

Tomorrow, we will head to the library after swim team practice. I gave Jack the choice between going to the park or to the library, and the library won. So we are going to find books about the weather. Because Jack is "a scientist and may want to become a meteorologist." Hopefully, Will behaves this time. The last time we went to the library Will was a baby and making happy baby squeals. You know the kind...happy, but LOUD, noises. Jack and I were reading a book and Will was squealing away when a librarian came over and asked if I could make the baby be quieter. Ummmm....welllll, let's see.....nope, this is as quiet as it gets, lady! Jack, who loves to know and obey all rules like no other, was mortified that we had broken the 'use only quiet voices in the library' rule and nearly got booted from the building! We quickly left the library while Jack continued to scold the oblivious, squealing baby for breaking the rules.

So Jack and I will be returning to the library in disguise. And with Will's proclivity for shouting when he thinks he is not being heard, I am sure our chances of being kicked out are pretty high.

Or as Jack likes to predict about all outings involving Will, "Mommy, Will's going to be a DISASTER!"


BeverlyB said...

Good luck!

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