Thursday, June 4, 2009

Books, Books, Books

The trip to the library was a success...well, a success when you consider the Will Factor. Two year olds just aren't suited for the library; they are more of a Barnes and Noble crowd. We arrived at the library as they were unlocking the doors. We first started reading picture books, which went well until each one wanted me to read 'their' book right then and didn't want to listen to their brother's book. And Will was pulling books off of the shelves saying, "I want this one!" faster than I could reshelve them. So I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the librarian who spent her afternoon reshelving all of the books! Although in my defense, there were several families taking advantage of the library this morning so there were alot of books to be reshelved. And we only got yelled at we were checking out our books to leave! Oh well, maybe next time we will remember to 'use our library voices'. Those librarians run a tight ship!

Jack was a man on a mission; he had come to the library to check out some science books, so while I was reading to Will, he went up to the librarian's desk and asked the librarian where the science books were. She told him that they were the books that started with 500s. And he found them by himself! I was most impressed =).

The big event of the trip was that Jack got his very own library card! I think I was more excited than he was; I still remember how proud I was to get my own card when I was little, I felt so grown up as I signed my name on my very own library card. Jack was able to check out all of his books on his very own card.

And after an hour and a half at the library, this is the result:
Loaded down with a dozen nonfiction and fiction books

Once we got home, Jack decided to create our own library for us. I was able to check out several good reads this afternoon. Here are the boys enjoying a little library time right before bed.

Jack is sitting at the check out desk, while Will is enjoying 'his favorite book'.
I thought about breaking down the library tonight, but we are supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow, thus the library stays. What is more perfect than reading library books on a rainy afternoon?


BeverlyB said...

What a fun day. He is the grandson of a librarian at heart!

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