Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Part 2

If you missed the first part of our Mother's Day weekend, you can catch up here. Saturday afternoon was the big crawfish boil and birthday party...the moment Jack had looked forward to all week!

Our animal lover chose for his birthday party theme (surprise!) Dinosaurs! For the entertainment, we decided to have water activities...and it was a brilliant call considering that it was 90 degrees in the shade!

Jack enjoying the slip n slide

Some of the crew cooling off

Baby S enjoying the splash pool. Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks?!?

We also had a water balloon fight that lasted approximately 3 minutes! Can you ever have enough water balloons? The dinosaur pinata lasted a bit longer and was a hit (haha).

The birthday boy taking the first whack.

While the kids were getting soaked (and dirty), Happy and his crew got the crawfish boil going. These were the biggest crawfish I have ever seen; Hank did his usual fantastic job and they were delicious!

Will decide that it was his job, and his job alone, to clean the mudbugs. He wouldn't share the hose, but those were some pretty clean crawfish!

Now that's a crawfish!

Let the feast begin!

A rite of passage...when you can peel your own crawfish!

Look at this cute little mudbug!

Roar, Dinosaurs!

Just look at that smile...that is one happy birthday boy!

May all of your dreams come true, Boo Bear!

Jack has declared that this was the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!

And Will has been asking "When is my birthday party? When is Happy Birthday to me?"

So Aunt Blythe? We'll be back in a few months for a repeat...if you've recovered by then ;-)!


Blythe said...

Any time - you just let me know the theme and I am on it!

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