Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Memorial Day weekend at the Lake with my family and had a wonderful time, despite the sometimes uncooperative weather.

Saturday looked alot like this:
At times, we could look out across the lake and actually see the line of rain coming in. We would yell to the children, "Here comes the rain! 5-4-3-2-1!" And they would come running up the walkway. So during the rain, we turned to Plan B, which included this:

Bubble Time with Granddaddy

Grass Fishing with Uncle Matt
It was during this activity that Aunt Karen declared she was going to need an adult beverage if she had to spend the afternoon watching grass fishing! The rest of us joined her so that she wouldn't have to drink alone (because we are just thoughtful & supportive like that).

We woke up Sunday morning to more rain; Brent and I contemplated packing up and heading home. But we were so glad we stayed because Sunday afternoon it cleared up and we had perfect, beautiful weather. We took full advantage with a little of this:
Playing on Hawaii Beach Town
This has been the best $60 we have ever spent! The netted area makes a little baby pool that is so much fun to splash in. A great way to turn the huge lake (or "scary water" as Will called it) into a more enjoyable kid-friendly pool.

And alot of this:
I'm King of the World!

This year we are adding a playset to the lake, which promises to be alot of fun! Jack and Will couldn't even wait for it to be finished before having to test it out. I'm happy to report that the slide is fast and the glider is fun, especially when you go high in the sky!

Of course, there was plenty of good food! Here is proof positive...sauce from the baby back ribs still on his face as Jack begins to eat his weight in s'mores. You would think that the child's mother would take 2 seconds to wipe his face; but sadly, you would be wrong!

Will hasn't quite mastered the art of roasting marshmallows. He just likes to see fire, so he'll put the marshmallows into the flame until they become an ooey, gooey, sticky mess and then wave his roaster around to see how many relatives he can strike. Absolutely, no interest in eating the s'more...just wants to roast. Can you say PYROMANIAC?!?!?

And a day of hard playing leads to a night of deep sleeping.
A most beautiful sight to a very tired Mommy!


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