Sunday, April 5, 2009


Jack got into SJ, which was our first choice for school! All of the Catholic schools mail out acceptance letters on the first Friday in April, you receive them on Saturday, and then all the schools are out for Spring Break the following week. So any disgruntled parents have a week to cool off before they can call the schools. Pretty smart plan, if you ask me.

So needless to say, I started stalking the postman Saturday morning. What was cute was that when I opened the letter from SJ, confetti spilled out of the envelope. A fun surprise! I have just been giddy, I am so happy. Jack seems to be taking it all in stride, not overly excited. I think that is because he really has no idea what kindergarten is about. I have been explaining all the fun things they will do at SJ that is similar to preschool...gym, art, music, computer, spanish, eating lunch at school, etc. And today at church, I pointed out that the playground is where he will have recess in kindergarten, the cafeteria is where he'll eat lunch. Hopefully by the time he is ready to go this fall, he'll have a better idea of what to expect and be excited to start elementary school.

Saturday night we went out as a family to celebrate! We had ourselves a cajun feast: crawfish bread and fried gator for appetizers; for dinner I had a crawfish platter, Brent had boiled crawfish, and the boys split a fried catfish kids meal; then for dessert, Lost Bread (it actually had some other name that I can't remember) which is French bread soaked in an egg custard and topped with fruit and whipped cream. Everything was soooo good. And the best part was that the boys were so well behaved. Brent and I couldn't believe how good they were! The owner even complimented them on their behavior and gave them some special treats: hushpuppies and extra french bread for appetizers and beads and dabloons before we left. It was a very enjoyable dinner for everyone.

So now we have a reprieve on stressing about the school situation until Jack heads to high school. Now that Jack is in SJ, Will is in too, when it is time for him to go to kindergarten. And that is a good thing for our little rock eater!


Blythe said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! ALLELUIA!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled for you all and I know you are relieved. All those novenas paid off. Not that we were a bit worried about our smart boy!

When you come in town - you will have to get dad to make you lost bread - it is his specialty. I make it - but with a hint of coconut in it. YUMMY!!!!

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