Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

Well, is anybody else as tired as I am? My problem is that I stayed up watching the Texas-Texas Tech game (thrilling!) last night and then got the morning wake up call at 6:15 am. Yep, the little ones don't understand the concept of sleeping in. And I absolutely hate the time change. Now I will spend the next week or so trying to get them on a new schedule. Let's just pick a time and stick with it! We had to make an extra Starbucks run this morning after mass so that I could fortify myself for the afternoon (during which I did absolutely nothing).

We are making good headway on the Halloween candy! Fortunately, all the candy I bought was dispersed to the little trick-or-treaters, so all we have to eat up is what the boys scavenged. I've decided that my favorite candy is Take 5. Have you had one? I think they are relatively new on the candy scene; I mean new compared to M&Ms, Reese's peanut butter cups, and the other old faithfuls. The Take 5 candy bar is basically the same concept as the Twix bar (yum-o) with a pretzel base. And I think the pretzel is the key...the saltiness combined with the sweet of the caramel and chocolate is perfect! Unfortunately (or fortunately for my hips), there was only one Take 5 bar in all the loot. My least favorite candy...Whoppers. ICK!

So Will has hit the terrible twos full force, and let me tell you, he is a screamer! The little stinker has already been in time out 3 times this week, and that was giving him alot of leeway. This afternoon, he wakes up from his nap screaming, screaming, screaming! I could do nothing to please him. I offered him everything...going outside to play, all his favorite foods, milk, chocolate milk, Pops & candy (hey, don't judge...I was desperate!) and he would just look at me while continuing to scream. So I just decide to ignore him. Well actually, that was Plan B. Plan A was to sell him on Ebay to the highest bidder and then I remembered that someone already tried that and landed himself in jail. So about 2 minutes later (Thank goodness!) Brent and Jack come home and Brent says, "What's wrong?!?!" I explain the situation. Brent understandingly nods, turns to Will, and says, "Would you like a pop?" Will immediately stops screaming, says in his most pleasant, I-am-the-happiest-kid voice, "Okay!" And toddles off behind Brent to the kitchen to retrieve the beloved pop. SYBIL, I tell ya!

Both boys are sleeping like angels and I am off to watch the Amazing Race. Hope you had a great weekend!


Blythe said...

Talk to me when Will tries to put you in timeout when you correct his behavior. That is where we are with Davis - he points, fusses at me and tells me to go in timeout - this always ends up with him in timeout crying. I pray to God that he is out of this stage quickly. I will add you to my list of prayers....

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