Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Never a dull moment

Today has been a good day. Jack had school and the baby and I went to the gym and the grocery store. Both boys love to go to the grocery store to get the free cookie. However, I am getting more and more irritated with Kroger about this free cookie deal. When Jack was a baby, we would always do our grocery shopping on Wednesday because it is Senior Citizen discount day on Wednesday. So Jack would get his free cookie which would keep him entertained through the produce section and then he would flirt with all the senior citizens as we walked up and down the aisles. And Kroger always had the free treats out in the bakery department for the kids to enjoy (and I witnessed on numerous occasions Grandma and Grandpa partaking too). Well within the last year, Kroger has been making it more "difficult" to receive the cookie. The cookies won't be out on the counter, the workers will pretend they don't see you standing there, etc. So I was starting to feel like a mooch asking for cookies for my children. My friend and I were talking about this awhile ago and she says that she hunts employees down to get cookies for her children. She has made many a trip to the deli department looking for someone. And if nobody is to be found, she'll open a box of bakery cookies herself, pull out the two that she needs for her kids, and leave the rest on the counter for everyone else to enjoy! (I was howling as she is telling me this story...I'm sorry that I didn't do it justice here.) I even asked one of the managers if they were still giving out free cookies and he said,"Oh yeah, if there aren't any out then be sure to ask." We'll there ya go! I might be opening my own box in the near future! All this to say, I had to ask yet again today for a cookie for Will.

The boys played nicely together today, so I was finally able to wash my referee's uniform. It'll be nice and clean for when they start back up tomorrow. Jack knows all of Will's buttons to push and Will can burst your eardrums with his screams. But not too much of that today =).

Also, Will, my picky eater, is starting to broaden his culinary horizons! I think moving him from the highchair to the table with us has done the trick. At the table, he loves using his fork or spoon to eat whatever we are eating. In the highchair, he wouldn't even let the food grace his tongue before spitting it out. This week Will has discovered that he likes hummus and pita chips, red grapes (the boy can eat his weight in grapes now), steak, salmon, asparagus (I nearly fell out of my chair tonight to see him eat half a dozen stalks), and raisins. Alot of progress for our trans-fat loving little man!

Bath tonight was alot of fun! Jack was scuba-diving in the bath tub with his goggles and this enormous magnifying glass. Will caught on to the game and had to have his turn as well.

And just so you know, goggles make a wonderful accessory with your very fashionable monkey jammies. I'm telling you...the only way he would get out of the tub was with the goggles. He loved them! And I couldn't help laughing...having this 1 year old looking up at you with bug eyes and this huge smile on his face!

And file this under "one step forward, two steps back". He hasn't been out of the bath more than 15 minutes and has already given himself a pamp (stamp) with Sharpie marker. Y'all...that stuff doesn't come off! It has to wear off. Tomorrow is school day and Will has already shown up with highlighter "pamps"; his teacher is going to think this child is never supervised. In my defense, however, I was just 2 feet away with my back turned helping Jack get into his jammies. I wondered why the little booger was being so quiet! And I must point out that both the highlighter and the sharpie markers were not in my nightstand drawer; I know better than to leave permanent ink lying around for my children to find. However, the owner of said drawer is working very late tonight because he is slammed at work, so I think I'll give him a pass. Because I am so generous like that!


Blythe said...

I will get you two matching Cookie Monster t-shirts for your trips to the grocery.

Blythe said...

Could Will be any cuter - OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

Now that's a great idea! And I could just let them yell at the top of their lungs "Cookie!" I think it could be very effective =).

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