Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Making of a Republican

Jack's Young Five class has been learning about the election...how you vote (wait in line, go into voting booth, vote, get stickers), the candidates, what a president is, where the president works, etc. And then today on election day, the class was going to have their own mock election. A nice civics lesson for 5 year olds.

On Friday, Jack comes home and tells us that he is voting for Orock Obama. Well as you can imagine, that comment didn't go over too well with Brent. So Brent teaches his version of the civic lesson and deconstructs the two candidates' platforms in terms that a 5 year old can understand. And it went something like this: Barack Obama wants to take away your toys and then he's going to take Daddy's money so that Daddy can't buy you any new toys. John McCain wants you to keep your toys and wants Daddy to keep his money so that he can buy you more toys. Suffice it to say, Jack learned his first lesson in American politics this weekend.

When I pick him up from school today, he notices my "I'm a voter" sticker and asks if I voted for John McCain. I assured him that I did. I complimented him on his voting sticker. He said, "I voted for John McCain, too. Orock Obama is a bad man. He wants to take away children's toys. He is a stealer!" I glanced furtively around accessing who might be witness to this political brainwashing of our son. Well, it was a lost cause because he continues with his "Obama is a bad man" diatribe down the hall as we go to pick up Will. One of the teachers overheard him and gave Jack a high five! So if Obama wins tonight (like I think he will), then you know that Jack is going to fully expect every ring of our doorbell to be Obama on the doorstep with a huge Santa sack waiting to haul away all of his toys!

And here is the real kicker...Jack brings home the results of the classroom election. With 20 votes cast, John McCain was declared the winner 14 to 6 over "Orock" Obama. The problem... There are only 16 children in the class. Voter fraud is alive and well! Some little 'Rat-in-training was stuffing the ballot box!!!


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