Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's My Party & I'll Cry if I Want To...

Will had his first school party today...it was so cute! The teachers had made little Indian hats for the boys and pilgram hats for the girls. They looked adorable for the 10 secs that everyone had the hats on! One of the mothers brought sippie cups for everyone to decorate with stickers. Well, Will knows all about stickers (they are a favorite, second only to pamps!) so he was all over that activity! Then the children had lunch...pumpkin-shaped sandwiches, cheez-its, cantalope, and leaf and acorn shaped cookies. The cheez-its and cookies were the hits. Will swiped about 4 cookies, no joke. After that, the party mood deteriorated...children falling out on the floor in total meltdown. Just too much fun for one day. Will had his meltdown as we were heading home; somehow he got into Jack's school bag and ripped to shreds Jack's pilgrim girl art project. Jack is in the back screaming, "Will, don't rip the eyes off. Moooommy, he tore the eyes off. Will, don't rip off her hair. OOOOHHH Will, you are so bad. Mommy, stop him!" Here I am driving the car...what am I supposed to do?!?!? If Jack hadn't been in the backseat, I would have been laughing at the comedy of the situation, but that probably would have sent Jack over the edge. So I tried to do my best to sternly scold Will and let Will know that because of his behavior, he would be going straight to bed the moment we walked in the door. Actually, that was my plan all along, but Jack seemed satisfied that Will was in trouble and justice would be served.

Tuesday is gymnastics day for Jack. I love, love, love this gymnastics program. He has been in it since he was 3. The coach knows all about Jack's hypotonia and is wonderful about making sure that he does each skill and doesn't let him fly under the radar. She told me that she wishes she had a video of Jack at his first class and Jack today, because the progress that he has made is astounding. And truly it is! I am completely blown away at his improvement. I could not be prouder of his effort. For the last 6 months, he has moved from the pre-gym class to the beginner class. And he was in the lower half of the class abilities-wise, but he was keeping up. Well, this session the class is made up of 8 boys (god bless the coach's heart!) and Jack is the only one with any gymnastics experience. I never thought I would see the day, but Jack is the star of the class! Y'all...I sit there with a stupid grin on my face for the whole hour just watching him do cartwheels, yee-hahs, somersaults, walking across the regulation-size beam unassisted, etc. Just amazing!

Brent is doing his first deposition ever tomorrow and it is solo as in he is there all by himself. So y'all say a prayer for him. I have no doubt that he will do just fine, but it would be nice for him to feel a peace about it. So send a little prayer up for him, please. So when Daddy is out of town, the boys have an early bedtime. There were no complaints tonight. We are all tired and my back is killing me, so I am off to go lay on the heating pad.


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