Monday, July 25, 2011

At the Lake with Honey and Happy

We spent the weekend at the lake with Happy and Honey and it was the best time!

Honey and Happy brought our niece Alexis and her friend Mallory up for the weekend, and they were so sweet to Jack and Will, who loved hanging out with them because they are 14!

Mallory and Alexis

We did alot of tubing this weekend.

The girls would take turns riding with the boys in the 3 seater and then the boys would come out and the girls would ride alone.  And that is when things out really serious!

Brent would fly Alexis and Mallory across the wake so fast that I thought they would flip.  And the girls would flash him the thumbs up "FASTER" sign no matter how fast he was going.

Jack loves the one man tube.  And he is really good, too.

He battled some waves...

And even went airborne, all at 20 mph, and Daddy could never flip him off the raft.   Awesome!

The lake was busy this weekend.  Lots of tubers and skiers made for some rough waters, which means good waves!

A wave for Mom.  Jack and Will tubed together.

Some pretty good waves and lots of smiles!

I love the fact that Jack and Will are growing up on the water and that they both enjoy it so much!

 Will would want you to know that he did the one man tube ALL BY HIMSELF!  He was so proud.  He would also tell you that "I am really good at this.  I am AWESOME."  (No self-esteem worries with Will.)  But I didn't get a picture of it (**But Happy did!  Yay, Happy!**) because I was watching him like a hawk in case he fell off.  Which he never did, even going 13 mph, because he is AWESOME.

Oh, and what do we have here?!?!

That would be me on skis!  It was alot of fun, and just like riding a bike, you never forget how.  And thank goodness Dad didn't know how to work the zoom!

We did give Brent a break from pulling us all across the lake, so that he could rest and enjoy a few beers.


And Jack and Will showed off their jumps.

Will doing the pencil dive.


The 360.

I don't know the name of this jump, but I sure do love the expression on his face!

We spent most of the weekend outside, but we did manage to sneak in some electronic time!
We love Angry Birds, Ant Smasher, Cut the Rope and just about any other game on Happy's iPad!

I don't know if we could even go to the lake without making s'mores.  It is a must.

We tried out the jumbo marshmallows this time.
There were some complaints from the peanut gallery.  They take longer to roast, and you needed to position them correctly so they don't fall off the skewer, but I liked them.

And so did this little guy!

And after a full day of fun at the lake...

We were out cold each night!

One of the reasons I love summer so much, good times with family!  Can't wait until next time...


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