Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We had been looking forward to Spring Break for weeks; we all needed some time away just to be together.  This was our second year to go to Sandestin, so this year everything was "tradition."  We asked the boys what they wanted to do on vacation, and they rattled off all the things that we did last year...go to the beach, build sandcastles, bungie jump, drive go-carts, etc.  So that is what we did!

The temperatures were in the low 70s, which was perfect, but the water was still c-o-l-d.  The boys were brave enough to splash around in it, but it was too chilly to stay in for a long time.

We didn't build any sand castles or sand sculptures this year.   The "thing to do" was to dig giant holes in the sand to play in.  Up and down the beach, there would be hole after hole after hole.  The tide never filled them up, so the next day the kids would find an empty hole and continue playing.

 Digging to China

 Working hard on building a sand house

 A fun little hideout

 Double Thumbs Up...right back at cha!

Some of our good friends were also vacationing in Sandestin, so we all hung out together.  The kids played and played and played, and the adults drank and drank and drank!  We tried out kayaking, and were surprised to find that we were all pretty good.  Nina and I were in a kayak together and we've decided that we're ready for any Survivor challenge!

 My kayaking boys

 There they go looking like pros!

Building drip castles

We fed the fish $2.50.

Oooh, I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay wastin' time...

That night the boys did the Euro Bungy jump, but all my pictures came out blurry.  =(  Will was so funny because as he was jumping we could hear him shouting, "Yeah, baby!  I am awesome!  I am so good at this!"  Obviously, we need to work with him on his self-esteem!

Each afternoon, we would take a dip in the hot tub.  The boys, all 3 of them, called this their bathtime.
I, on the other hand, took real showers.  With soap and shampoo.

The last night we went to The Track to drive go-carts.

Will and I were driving buddies again this year.  As we were "flying" down the spiral track, we would just look at each other and laugh!  So much fun.

Jack was tall enough to drive the water boats and the bumper cars by himself.  He looked so grown.  He was so proud, and declared himself a good driver.

 Water fight

 Brent vs. Paul.  Game on!

The aftermath...wet boys!  I sat the water boat war out because I am the mother that would be shouting, "Don't shoot me!  You're getting me all wet!"
Such a buzz kill.

Next up, bumper cars...

 My apologies to the fannies in the background.

After bumper cars, we had dinner at Harbor Docks while watching the fishing boats come in.  The perfect ending to a fun day!

The morning that we were leaving, Brent and the boys took one last walk around the Village while I packed up.  I thought this picture of Jack and Will holding hands was so sweet.

It was a great time!  And, Lord willing, we'll be back next year. 


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