Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 17

Saturday, April 23

Boys & dirt.  Dirt & boys.  Three outfits and one very dirty face later, it was a great day!

Sunday, April 24

When Jack first learned to ride a bike, we told him that if he practiced and practiced, then we would get him a "racing bike."  We've been looking but have never found a bike that was the perfect fit.  Then Jack went through a growth spurt making the old bike really too small and the need to find a new bike more important.  This 7 speed bike fits the bill; just the right size and advanced enough for him to learn about the different gears.  He has had a fun time breaking in his new racing bike.

Monday, April 25

With this ring I promise I'll always love you...
When we started out on this journey together, we didn't know what was in store for us, but we did know that there would always be laughter.  Thirteen years and two beautiful boys later, we are still laughing.  I think I'll keep him!

Tuesday, April 26

Will has been sick for the last couple of days, so my time has been spent doling out medicine, back rubs, and hugs.  In between playing nursemaid, I was able to get a picture of Grandmother's irises, which have been absolutely beautiful this spring.  These irises actually came from my great grandmother's flower beds, and 4 generations later we are still loving them!

Wednesday, April 27

Another sick day for my poor baby, and he felt awful.  As I was laying in bed I realized that I hadn't taken a single picture all day.  Oh well, real life.  Thankfully, Brent's gardens have been gorgeous this year, and a wonderful source for blog pics.  The Julia Child roses are one of my favorites.  They don't bloom in the mass quantities that the Knockout varieties do, which makes each bloom seem that much more special.

Thursday, April 28

Our version of the open air carriage!  Will looks like either the Grand Marshall of a parade or a prince greeting his subjects.  How can one kid be the cutest and the grumpiest little thing?!?!  But he does keep us laughing! 

Friday, April 29

Look at the lucky duck who had both sets of grandparents come for Grandparent's Day.  They had a wonderful morning: Mass followed by a tour of Jack's classroom and school, and then ended with a program by the students.  Jack's school is having their book fair this week (coincidence?  I think not.), so Jack came home with lots of books, and Will got some too! 



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