Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 14

Saturday, April 2

We had a fun and busy day.  We went to the gym and then to Chick-fil-A for lunch.  The weather was just perfect so we played on the Chick-fil-A playground for awhile.  Then we made a stop at Daddy's office so Mommy and Daddy could get a few things done.  For dinner, we went over to Mr. Chad and Mrs. Valerie's home for a cookout.  The boys had a blast driving Charlie's cars up and down the street.  I have been begging Brent to get the boys an electric car but he won't do it.  He says we'll just have to come visit Mr. Chad more often!

Sunday, April 3

Nothing fun happened today.  The boys played, Brent worked, and I did laundry.  But the cherry tree in the front yard was showing off!  Love the pink pom-pom blooms.

Monday, April 4

Will still loves his bottle at night.  It hasn't bothered me because something wonderful happens during your second-go-around with mommyhood...Perspective!  I knew I wouldn't be sending him off to college with a bottle, so I've let him continue to have a bottle because it made the nighttime routine so easy.  But today I casually asked Will when it would be time for him to give up his bottle.  He thought when he turned 5 would be the time.  Okay, fine with me.  Then later this afternoon, Will told me that he would give up his bottle today and I could "give his bottles to charity."  So he is officially off the bottle, and we are officially done with babyhood.  sniff, sniff

Tuesday, April 5

Brent woke up this morning with what he thought was either a sinus infection or strep throat.  Not the way you want to start your vacation.  Dad called him in a prescription for Amoxicillan.  I went to pick it up and the pharmacist told me that it was free.  FREE!  FREE!  Really?!?!  Wow! Thank you very much!

Wednesday, April 6

Ahhh, the beach!  We love the beach!  It was a great day of playing in the surf, digging holes in the sand, and hunting for seashells.  We can never get enough of the beach!

Thursday, April 7

We are vacationing with some of our friends, and we are having the best time.  The boys were waiting so patiently to jump on the Eurobungy before we made trip to the candy store.  Who doesn't enjoy filling up a sack with as much candy as it will hold?

Friday, April 8

Another great day at the beach!  Jack had fun burying himself in the sand.  It was all over his face.  Made me want to scratch just looking at him.  Now that is sandy boy!  


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