Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Peek at our Week 2011: Week 13

Saturday, March 26

The forecast for the weekend was rain, rain and more rain.  It looked very iffy for the T-ball game...would the weather hold off for an hour so the Red Soxes could play?  The weather hotline for T-ball said the games would be called at the field.  So we loaded up and headed to the baseball field, sat in the car for 10 minutes, and then the game was called due to rain.  Argh!   We picked up brunch at Chick-fil-A and headed home for a day full of DS and TV!  And our brains turned to mush.

Sunday, March 27

Jack has a new look...the top front tooth that has been loose for FOREVER finally came out.  Jack and Brent were play wrestling and it was bumped.  Jack has been working this one for months so it was surprising that a little knock would finally set it free.  But we have enjoyed telling everyone that "Daddy knocked Jack's tooth out!"

Monday, March 28

In an effort to adopt a healthier lifestyle (blah,blah, blah), I've been trying to snack on more fruits and vegetables.  Do veggies sticks count?  No?  So I've been munching on baby carrots (blek) and have found them to be tolerable with lots of bleu cheese dressing.  Which totally negates the whole 'healthy snacking' thing, but baby steps, people!  Today I noticed that my fingers were turning orange.  Cheez-Its never did this.

Tuesday, March 29

Those beautiful, long lashes?  They slay me.  The sprinkling of freckles across his nose and cheeks?  My heart just explodes into a million pieces.  And the yogurt on the nose and lip?  That's all boy.

Wednesday, March 30

Well look who lost another tooth!  I didn't even know this one was loose.  Jack pulled it out today at snack time.  He has one more loose tooth just waiting to fall out at anytime.  This is going to be one busy tooth fairy!

Thursday, March 31

This little guy had quite a day.  Two of his good buddies from school came over for a playdate this morning.  They had a great time playing together and were so excited that they would see each other again tomorrow at school.  This afternoon, Will was playing outside and tripped in our garage.  Unfortunately, his face broke his fall.  Poor thing has a nice goose egg on his forehead and some scrapes around his hairline and sideburn.  Hopefully, he is having sweet dreams lying on the caterpillar pillowcase he made at school.  Nite-nite...I love you!

Friday, April 1

 No joke.  6.2 miles.  Road miles.  Ran 'em all.  Jello legs.  Finished.  Proud!


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