Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We have been counting down the last 13 days until Halloween, and the night lived up to the spooky fun we were anticipating!

As per every holiday in our household, Halloween got off to an early start -- before day break.  Jack and Will arrived in our bedroom singing their very own song:  "Spooky, Spooky, Spooky Halloween."  Not only was it a catchy song, but it was being sung by a 7 year old in a pair of skeleton jammies that glowed in the dark.  And boy, were they glowing at 6:15 am this morning in our pitch black bedroom -- quite the effect, let me tell ya!!!!!  As Jack quickly adapted to his new nickname - Skeletor - little brother was demanding to be included in the fun.  So, Brent christened him Smelletor, which the three of us thought was pretty funny!  Will was not amused.  Will had pre-determined that he would be Ghostator (don't even know what the heck that is!!) and was adament that he be renamed.  So, to make a long story short, Skeletor and Ghostator were raring to go early, early, early!

Jack and Will decided long ago what they were going to be...Jack as a Vampire and Will as Buzz Lightyear.  This year Brent and I decided to join in the fun, so Brent became Buzz's sidekick Woody.  Every evil vampire needs a witch, and I fit that bill perfectly!

We had so much fun slicking back Jack's hair and painting his face to transform him into a vampire.  Not wanting to be left out of the makeup fun, Will reminded me that he needed Buzz's swirl on his chin.  I had no idea what he was talking about, so I had to consult the Toy Story DVD case, and sure enough, Buzz has a swirl on his chin!  So we had to make sure that Will was authentic.

As we were heading to our neighborhood's Halloween party, we snapped a couple of quick pictures.

Buzz and the Vampire posing in character

To infinity and beyond....

I vont to suck your blood....

 Buzz and Woody.  Notice how Woody strategically posed Buzz right in front of himself!  He was probably worried about a blackmail picture.  Buzz and Woody were a hit at the party.

The vampire and his witch.  What you can't see is that the witch's dress was a bit on the short side, and thus elicited a few cat calls.  So the witch was certain to wear her hat all night so as not to be mistaken for a streetwalker!

Happy Halloween 2010

We went trick-or-treating with our new neighbors, Jack's and Will's new best friends.  The children had the best time running from house to house.  And Will is a little beggar when candy is involved.  All of the other kids would come back from the door with a respectable 1 or 2 pieces of candy, and without fail, Will would come back loaded down with 4-5 pieces.  Buzz knew how to work it!

We came back home when the Halloween buckets were filled to the top and there was absolutely no more room for candy.

And then we had to sample a little bit of our stash...

Buzz loves him some candy!

The vampire devouring his loot!

The boys were so tired that they were begging to go to bed!  A successful evening...Happy Halloween!


BBennett said...

What a great looking family.

Amy said...

=) Thanks!

Blythe said...

OMG!!!! Precious, Precious, Precious. Looks like a ton of fun was had by all. I love that you and Brent dressed up. I was the tired and haggard woman of three boys =). We had the parish fair this weekend as well. So, we were on overload by night fall.

You need to get that picture of Brent as Woody blown up. Hysterical. What a good Dad!

I am cracking up about your costume. I made the comment to my co-workers that all the female costumes are titled "Sexy, Sassy, Hot or Short" - what happened to Halloween for women?!

Amy said...

When Will said that he wanted to be Buzz, I asked Brent if he would dress up as Woody...he flatly said no. So I put the bug in Will's ear, and Will asked Brent to be Woody. And of course Brent couldn't say no to the baby! He is a good Dad! Everyone thought it was really fun to have Buzz & Woody together.

I couldn't agree more...the selection of women's costumes are trampy. It's one thing if you are going to an adult costume party, but a bit embarrassing for a children's party.

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