Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's Wrong with Velcro?

  Bad news, friends.  There was a note on today's Daily Log from Jack's teacher saying that the children needed to practice tying their shoes.  Nooooooo!! 

See how they mock me!

Is it really necessary?  I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, just how necessary?!?  Can't I just continue to triple knot his laces and then his future wife can teach him to tie his shoelaces?!?!

So because I try to be a good mother, we started practicing this afternoon.  For all of about 5 minutes, before we were both about to kill each other, and I thought it best to postpone the practice session before I strangled said child.  Jack complained about having to practice and wondered several times why he couldn't just wear loafers.  And it just flew all over me that he wouldn't even put forth a little effort to learn...he would purposefully mess up, all the while giving me that "you can't make me do this" look.  I tried to be mature and impart some motherly words of wisdom, but I think what actually escaped from my mouth was "Don't look at me like that!  I already know how to tie my shoes!"

Because I am so helpful like that.

This is why I don't homeschool.  Could you imagine me trying to teach long division?!?  Brent would come home and find one of us laid out dead on the kitchen floor...and my money would be on me! 

So we'll continue to practice (aka beat my head against the wall), until I break down and pay a little kid in his class to tie his shoes.


Karen said...

I'm with him on the loafers! I am not taking the time to tie shoes in the a.m., much less try to teach him. Check out Cal's loafers from my first day of school post. Got them at Shoe Station.

Amy said...

I think loafers are a brillant idea! Unfortunately, lace up shoes are a mandated part of the school uniform. =(

Karen said...

Oh! What a horrible rule. We can't wear crocs, but they do not have to have shoes with laces. New Balance has come out with velcro shoes! See lots of kids with those on too! I am eyeing some no lace shoes from Land's End for fall.

LL said...

No bunny ears and rabbit holes in the shoe tying instructions? :o) That may be one of those skills that needs a big reward incentive...something that he wants to do or have that is pushing the envelope on his maturity level, like a harder Lego kit or something...something to aspire and inspire! Just a thought.

Amy said...

I think you are right on on the reward idea. I'll give that some thought. And if I could think of a reward for Mommy, I would probably be much more motivated to teach him!

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