Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vacation Bible School 2010

The theme for this year's vacation bible school was Cat. Chat Marvelous Mystery. The children spent the week learning all about the Catholic Mass in a fun, dynamic and energetic way. My boys loved it!

It was another fun week of singing....


arts and crafts....


making new friends....

and lots more singing....

This year there was something new at VBS, special events! The fire department came for a visit and brought the ladder truck.

Will loved this! He talked about the visit all the way home. His teacher told me that Will was the only one in his group that knew to call 9-1-1 if you needed the firemen.

The next day the Fun Bus came to visit. Jack told me the night before that we needed to get to VBS early because the Fun Bus would be there! Will told me that they "got to do gymnastics in the bus and punch something!" I'm hoping they were punching a punching bag and not each other!

We are still singing the songs from Vacation Bible School and Jack loves to do the choreography while singing. Will indulges us for a couple of verses and then tells us "that song is hurting my ears!" The little heathen =).


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