Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break

We are enjoying some time at the beach for Spring Break. Everyone has been so excited about a little vacation together; Will has asked every day for the last week if today was the day we were leaving for the beach. We usually vacation at Hilton Head Island, but this week we have rented a house in Sandestin. The boys were surprised to see sugar white sand on the beach instead of the hard packed sand to which we are accustomed. The house is neat...kind of a 50s modern style. Plenty of windows and more bedrooms than we know what to do with! The boys have found the bunk beds room wonderful; Jack on top and Will on the bottom! The beach is about a block away in our front yard and there is a lake right in our back yard. The only catch is the lake has gators, so needless to say there will be NO swimming in the lake, and I am hoping that we come home with all of our appendages!

The weather today was a bit overcast and the water is definitely COLD (the boys would disagree), but that didn't stop us from having some fun in the sun, sand, & surf.

Playing in the surf...they insisted the water wasn't cold. Yea, right!!

He loves the water, always has.

My favorite Beach Boys

Great waves today...Jack was perfecting his boogie board skills!

Will was so excited to be at the beach that he was literally jumping with joy!
I was so excited to get a picture of him in mid-air =).

I had the best time today sitting in my beach chair and watching Jack and Will have fun and more importantly, having fun together. I want to remember every detail, every smile, and every laugh. Sooner than I would like, they will be men with little boys of their own. And I hope to never forget the joy on their faces and the sound of their laughter as they jumped in the waves and ran from the incoming surf. It is these moments that make life so sweet.

We drove the car down to the beach this afternoon; lazy, yes, since the walk is short and easy but I really didn't want to carry all of the paraphenalia. Jack decided that he wanted to walk back home, so he and Brent walked while Will and I drove. Jack got a head start on his walk and when he saw us coming in the car, he decided that he would race the car home. Surprisingly, Jack won the race! And the fact that he ran faster than a car will probably be one of the highlights of his trip! He has mentioned it to me more than once already =).

Tonight we had dinner at a local oyster bar. Oyster Mania was from 5-6 pm....a dozen raw oysters for $1.99. I had 2 dozen and they were GOOD! Went especially well with the margarita. At dinner, Will was saying, "Someone is really tired. Oh, it is ME!" Poor thing, we wore the baby out. He came home and crashed!

The fun continues tomorrow.....


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