Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas, Merry, Merry Christmas!

The day started a little early for us...Jack came to our room at 3:30 AM to let us know that Santa had come. Whew! He may or may not have been sweating it out. We let him get in bed with us for a little while, but the child snores, so he was soon returned to his own bed where he slept until 7:30. Much better!

Once it was a more respectable hour, we began the holiday extravaganza by looking through our stockings. And these are the only two pictures I took with our camera. Once the boys started opening Santa's presents, we were on a sprint pace and I just couldn't keep up.

Then we played with the toys Santa brought while we waited for Gramma, Granddaddy, and Mimi to arrive. They came bearing loads and loads of presents! We took a quick break for brunch (blackberry french toast casserole and bacon) to fortify ourselves for the rest of the morning.

For Christmas, Brent and I usually buy each other one gift. Now this gift isn't a much anticipated surprise...Oh no! I am not a surprise kind of girl. Basically, we share with each other that which we have been coveting, and give the other our blessing to purchase it. Hey, it works for us! However, I do insist that we wrap the gifts up to be opened only on Christmas morning.

My Christmas present and new BFF...the Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker! I have been wanting one of these all fall. I have never been a weekday coffee drinker until I had to start getting up at o'dark hundred to get Jack off to school. Then I realized I needed to drink a cup of joe to clear the fog. Brent drinks his cup of coffee once he gets to work so there is no need to brew a pot. Plus, I don't have the faintest idea how to actually make coffee since I arrived at this party a little late. This is the perfect maker for me, and it makes a great cup of coffee!

Brent's Christmas present...Earbud Headphones! And I won't even begin to try to pretend I know anything about them. All I know is that they are supposed to completely eliminate outside noise to give one a concert-like listening experience (I think). Let me tell you, eliminating noise is expensive! But my man does love his MP3 player, so it was worth it =).

The highlight of this Christmas...a Hallmark card that sings "Jingle Bells". Mimi gave each of the boys a card with their Christmas presents and Will just could not get enough!

Here he is singing along. I don't know why he felt the need to have the card right next to his ear because you could clearly hear it from across the room.

He couldn't even put the card down to unwrap his gift, so Jack had to give him a little encouragement. Mimi said that card was the best $5 she has ever spent!

We gave the boys a Karaoke machine for Christmas.

This is one of the only times they could sing together without arguing over who is supposed to be talking/singing. It even looks like they are doing choreography. And yes, they did stay in their jammies all day was officially "Jammies Day" at our house. I am sure Jesus would approve.

The sweetest picture of the day. Will and Mimi watching cartoons together after a full day.

Christmas 2009 will forever be remembered as the year Jack discovered Legos! Here is Jack and Granddaddy with Darth Vader's TIE Fighter. It took Granddaddy a couple of hours to complete the fighter; Granddaddy said that he should have used super glue during the construction!

Last year, I posted a Christmas Questionnaire sharing some of my favorite memories of Christmas. So this year, I thought it would be fun to hear about some of Jack and Will's favorite memories from Christmas 2009.

Favorite Present
J: Legos
W: all of them

Favorite Christmas Song
J: Little Drummer Boy
W: Jingle Bells

Favorite Christmas Ornament
J: Christmas lights ornament he made in Art class
W: 3 Snowmen ornament he made at school (the snowmen were his fingers)

Favorite Christmas Treat
J: candy cane cookies
W: candy cane cookies

Favorite Christmas Activity
J: The Nutcracker Ballet
W: the children's party at Daddy's firm

So that is the Christmas 2009 wrap up (better late than never).

I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season!


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