Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

We had so much fun on our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. The day started out a little crisp and warmed up into a beautiful, clear fall day. Just perfect for enjoying the outdoors!

One of our favorite things to do at the pumpkin patch is the ropes course. And because we go each year, it is nice to see the improvements in gross motor skills for each of the boys.

Last Year.................... This Year
Jack's balance has really improved this year, so much so that he felt confident to give me a wave.

Will attempted the ropes by himself, but then decided that he was "too busy" and hopped down to try something else. This was an improvement, because last year at 21 months, Brent had to pretty much carry him through the ropes.
Last Year.................... This Year

Will enjoyed being a big kid on the step pads (I just made that up because I don't know what these are called).

Jack doing great on the zip line.

This picture just cracks me up....Look who put on his own shoes this morning!

And the sad thing is we didn't notice until we were at the pumpkin patch! Will assured us it was "fine, just fine", but we got the shoes on the right feet after the photo op.

New this year was the inflatable obstacle course. Jack loved this! Two people go at a time, and each time Jack decided that he was racing against the other child. Jack won all of his races and was just over-the-moon excited! (Now, I'm not sure whether the other kid knew they were racing or not, but to Jack that is inconsequential.)
The impressive thing is that he could scale the wall like Spiderman! He was so fast! I was absolutely shocked. A couple of years ago, he would have never been able to do this without help. I had to laugh at myself because when Jack was diagnosed with hypotonia at 9 months, I remember crying to Brent that "all I want is for him to be able to walk" and here he is scaling a wall like nobody's business. Bless his heart, this child will be just fine if only his neurotic mother will step out of the way!

And of course if big brother does it, then little brother has to do it, too! But the obstacle course was really too hard for Will, so poor Brent had to go with him and heave-ho Will all the way through.
Peek a Boo

The rest of the afternoon was spent having a picnic lunch on the lawn, riding the train, picking out your own bag of candy, and playing at the ball barn.

Nobody wanted to leave, but we look forward to our trip again next year. Thanks to Aunt Bethany for sharing the tickets with're the best!


Beverly B said...

It was worth waiting for this posting. I can't wait for you Dad to get to see the photos and read the blog! I'm so thankful for the blessings of healthy boys.

Amy said...

You are not kidding! We have alot to be thankful for =).

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