Sunday, August 9, 2009

Oh, the cuteness!

This is one of the cutest cupcake/cookie ideas I have ever seen! Bakerella strikes again with Fast Food Fun! I love these little burgers and fries.

Wouldn't this be so cute for a tween or teen party?!?!

It doesn't look hard. And this is where baking always suckers me in. The recipes never do look hard, so I make the mistake of thinking "this shouldn't be too hard, I have a PhD, surely I can do this", and then it ends up being an unmitigated disaster. And that is why I find baking so maddening.

But it does look time consuming, very time consuming. Especially that basket, tissue paper and fry sleeves. Cause your gonna have to edit 'Happy Father's Day', and the editing is gonna give ya fits. Trust me. Murphy's Law.

I am going to file this idea away for a future day. Maybe I will actually try it.

Or better yet, maybe I could bribe my cousin Laura to help me! The girl has baking talent =).


BeverlyB said...

That is too cute! It does look like a two day project at least.

LL said...

Now you know you have two cousin Lauras...does the other one bake? :o)

I've seen Bakerella's post for these - she has to have a lot of time on her hands. I would never get from point A to point B without Aurelia taking me on a wild ride first.

Amy said...

I don't know if the other Laura bakes, but she didn't make her own beautiful wedding cake!

My problem is that I would have 'helpers', thus turning a 1 hour job into a 4 hour job. So I will have to wait for the day that they are both in elementary school and I have a large block of time to work in peace.

The point I knew I wasn't a true baker at heart is when Bakerella said that she remade 2 dozen cupcakes because they didn't come out just the right color. I would have just thrown up my hands!

LL said...

Aw, now...I didn't make the cake...we just did the marzipan fruit (which was incredibly fun, actually).

I love to bake, but it is one of those things that I do to relax, so chasing a toddler out of the kitchen doesn't mesh with baking Zen.

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