Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It was a Cajun Invasion....

and we had the best time! We spent the weekend at the lake with Honey, Happy, Aunt Becky, Uncle Mike, L and Z. All 10 of us in a 2 bedroom 1 bath lake house...good thing we're family and we all really like each other ;-). It was the most beautiful weekend, very un-July like. The highs were in the mid-80s, low humidity, and a wonderful breeze! We were outside from sun-up to sun-down and hardly broke a sweat.

Here is some of the crew returning from a boat ride.
Our usual destinations are looking for the goats on Goat Island, watching others jump off Chimney Rock, checking out Martin Dam, and screaming under the Kowaliga Bridge.

And what do we have here?
Happy is working hard at training our next chauffeur. Unfortunately, Will is most excited about blowing the boat's horn. There has been talk about disabling the annoyingly loud horn.

L and Z tubing all over the lake.
The picture doesn't really relay the experience; they were going FAST and the lake was very choppy. Several times they were airborne. It was quite impressive!

And at a much slower pace...
This was Will's inaugural tube ride. He loved it! He wasn't scared at all and wanted to go faster. I guess after watching his cousins zoom around the lake, this seemed pretty lame. But it was fast enough for Mommy. Not bad for a 2 1/2 year old!

Lazin' on the Lake
L and Jack hanging out on the turtle float. Jack talked non-stop to L for an hour. Being the sweet cousin that she is, I am sure L would throw in a "Uh huh" and "Oh, really!" every now and then to keep him going. Jack loves his cousins!

And here I am with my baby!
Will talked our ears off all weekend. He is at that age where he is cute, adorable, and funny without even knowing it.

It was such a relaxing weekend of reading, chatting, swimming, fishing, and boating. Looking forward to the next visit, y'all!


Beverly B said...

Glad you posted. You need to upload your pictures so I can print some for the lake house. We need to document the fun that has been had!

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