Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hello Summer!

Today feels like the first day of my summer vacation. Last night was the last home swim meet and therefore, the last concessions that I had to worry about. It was a good meet...Jack had a really good swim. Brent had worked with him over the weekend about keeping his head in the water while swimming and just rotating his arms for the stroke. And during his race, he looked really good...much smoother and more effortless than before. It's wonderful to see his improvement this summer. The concessions went well too! Everyone seems pleased with what we have had to offer and the team directors seem pleased with the profits! I am excited with how well it went, but glad that I can just enjoy the last two away meets without worrying about 'the job'.

Tuesday morning, we went to the library for an "Animals from Around the World" program. An area petting zoo brought out some animals from different countries/continents and gave a short, informative presentation before letting the kids loose to visit with the animals and pet a few. Jack was in his element and loved all of the animals. Will was a die hard spider monkey fan. He could have visited with the monkey all morning.

Parker Gray, the spider monkey (South America), was quite the performer. And he seemed to appreciate the applause of all of the little ones gathered around.

The baby kangaroo (Australia) and the silver fox (Russia),not shown in the picture, shared the same pen and must be pretty good friends because they enjoyed a good wrestling match. Kinda reminded me of two little boys that I know.

Do you think he likes animals, or what?!?!

Here is Will violating the 'two finger' petting rule. Poor tortoise! I am surprised he didn't get yelled at by that militant librarian!

The capybara (South America) is the world's largest rodent. This little guy is only 15 days old. As an adult, it can weigh up to 200 pounds! Holy cow! Imagine finding Daddy Capybara in your crawl space! Jack loved the capybara, and I have to admit that he was kinda cute, but in the back of my mind was "Rodent, Rodent, Rodent!"

Jack has joined the library's summer reading program. Once he learned that if he read 10 books he would get a prize, he was all over that! So far, he has read 3 books...This is the House Where Jack Lives, The Great Snake Escape, and Danny and the Dinosaur, all of them are the I Can Read Books for beginning readers. I also told him about Barnes and Noble's reading 8 books and you get a free book. He already has his sights set on that free book =).


LL said...

Funny about the capybara. When I lived in Gainesville, I had a boss (Nancy) who lived out in the rural area of the county. She was driving home one night (think dark country roads) and almost plowed into a large adult capybara. She had never seen one before, so she thought, among other things, that she was hallucinating. I mean, it's a ginormous rodent, like the size of a boar. But if you've never heard of one, what would you think, on a dark country road at night? She did some digging around and discovered that an animal lab (probably associated with UF) had a "prison break" - here's the scary part - some 20ish years before. These were feral capybaras, descendants of the original CBs of NIMH.

Oh, and they have to submerge in water to pee.

That is all.

BeverlyB said...

It sounds like such a fun day and I loved the pictures. By the way, next time at the library see if you can find the children's fiction book about a capybara by Bill Peet called Capyboppy.

Amy said...

I am LOL!! That is so funny! I would have been in the same boat as Nancy, because before Tuesday, I had no idea what a capybara was! I am still laughing at your, that is funny =).

Amy said...

I'll have to look for that one. I know he would love it!

LL said...

Nancy was still rattled the next morning, and she told us this story, and I kept waiting for the punchline. I thought she was messing with us. Then we looked up Capybara, and sure enough, that's what they were. They breed like rabbits, so who knows how many wild capybara are cavorting in the wilderness of Alachua County, Florida?

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