Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tour of Gardens Part 2

A couple of month's ago, we went on a tour of Brent's early spring flowers. A couple of weeks ago, I took a few pictures of our late spring flowers, which amounts to the irises and rhododendron.

The bearded irises are our heritage irises. My grandmother gave these to us from her flower bed and they originally came from her mother's garden. So these are four generation flowers. I love the fact that these irises have a history, and if we were to ever move, I would dig them up and take them with us.

I am not sure where we got these irises. Last fall, Brent rearranged some of the flower beds, and these irises were moved to a new spot. Apparently, they like their new home because they bloomed in full force this spring. I love how the purple is contrasted against the red of the Japanese maple and the yellow/green of the gardenias.

Several years ago, I tagged along with Brent to a CLE course. The little town where we stayed had a large rhododendron garden open for walking tours. This was the first time I remember really noticing how pretty rhododendrons are. I love the large clusters of blooms, reminds me of azaleas and hydrangeas which are both favorites of mine. At the time, we said that we wanted to have a rhododendron but just got around to planting one last fall. Although it is still little, it did not disappoint with all of it blooms! I look forward to watching this plant mature.

I can't wait for the roses, crepe myrtles and Tonto crepe myrtles to come in. If the spring flowers were any indication, everything should be beautiful this summer with all of the rain we've had. Since we've been in a drought for the last 2 years, I had forgotten how 'green' green could be. This year, it is as if all the colors are intensified. I'll be sure to share pictures once the summer blooms come in.


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