Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend Part 1

We spent Mother's Day weekend in Louisiana with Brent's family. Jack LOVES getting together with "all the cousins". And it is quite a crew...10 in all. The drive was pleasantly easy. I believe I have illustrated before what bad travelers Will and I are. But surprisingly, we both did really well; perhaps it is having Daddy travel with us that makes all the difference?!?!

Friday night, Blythe, Brent's youngest sister, made Jambalaya for the families...5 families and 19 people total. It was sooo good! Can you imagine preparing dinner for that many people single-handedly with a clingy baby on your hip? I can't either and she pulled it off flawlessly! So if you get a craving for some incredible Jambalaya, I'll give you her address. =) I'm sure she won't mind one bit that I am extending an invitation to all the Internet.

The cousins played hard until well past every one's bedtime. I had myself two dirty, dirty and HAPPY boys who were exhausted! A major milestone was met for Will...for the first time, he slept outside of his crib. He slept with Jack on an air mattress and loved it; I think he felt so big!

We started Saturday morning off with Starbucks and beignets....YUM! Blythe and I took our boys to the neighborhood playground while Brent went to the Master Gardeners' Plant Sale. Brent bought two Creeping Daisies that we are going to plant under the Angel Trumpet in the backyard and hopefully, they will spread and cover that area. Here are a few pics that Blythe got of the boys at the playground.
Will and D aka Double Trouble

Will loves to swing

D's first attempt at the big slide by himself.
The ride down was a little rough, but he was all smiles at the end!

It was hot...90 degrees in the shade!

Have I mentioned that we are a family of fishermen? After the playground and lunch, out came the fishing poles! Blythe and Neal's house is on a great lot. They are at the end of a small lake where wildlife abounds; it is so relaxing to just sit in a rocker on their back patio and watch. Jack was able to hook his first catfish...and most importantly, reel him to the bank. Here is proof of his efforts:
Jack reeling in the big one!

It's half his size!

Brent and Jack exchanging high fives.
Isn't the view pretty?!

I just love pictures like this.

Stay tuned for the crawfish boil and Jack's birthday party with the cousins. I must have taken a hundred pictures, but I'll edit them down for ya!


Blythe said...

Davis and I have to look at the pictures every night and go through who everyone is. He also asks where Uncle Brent is - all the time. Can't wait to see you all in July. We need to firm up a date.

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