Thursday, May 21, 2009

End of the School Year Activities

We have been busy wrapping up the school year. Tuesday was the last day, so as of today we are on Day 2 of Summer Vacation. And both boys have had some kind of virus...fever and a little bit of nausea. Perhaps we are just getting it out of our system now?!?! But today they were both back to picking at each other and arguing, so I believe everyone is feeling better!

Last week, Will had his end of the year party...a Popsicle Party! It was very simple, just popsicles and bubbles, but the perfect way to end a great first year of school!

On Tuesday, Jack graduated from preschool and officially became a kindergartner. And I really should have expected it, but I was surprised at how it all hit me this last week. I spent the week repeatedly saying things like, "Jack, this is your last day of Extended Day. Jack, this is your last Friday at preschool. Jack, this is your last day of carpool! It seems like just yesterday I dropped you off in the Toddler class where Will is now!" And Jack spent the week repeatedly saying (rather exasperatedly I might add), "I know, M-o-m!" I am going to be a wreck the first day of kindergarten.

Will was running a fever on Tuesday, so he attended Jack's programs with us instead of going to his last day of class. First, it was the Young 5s/4s Spring Program. The theme was Folk Songs From Around the World. It was so cute to see Jack process into the sanctuary with his class. He was so excited to see us, but trying so hard to process in seriously, that he gave us the cutest, shy smile. Unfortunately, at each of the programs I wasn't in a close enough seat to get good pictures, but I was able to get a few to remember the moment. Here is Jack with his class during the Spring Program.
After the Spring Program, we went back to his classroom for the Young 5s graduation ceremony. Alot of tears were shed. It was beyond sweet and the children were so proud of themselves. And the parents were mighty proud, too!
The graduates process in

Mrs. C started the ceremony by awarding diplomas and sharing what each child would like to be when they grow up. For Jack, becoming a scientist is the occupation du jour. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Next, the children shared with us a glimpse into their day. They sang their Good Morning song, songs they sing when determining the weather, and were reciting a poem about (I think) animals. I don't really remember because I got distracted. Will was sitting with Mom and me during the graduation ceremony and Brent was standing at the side of the classroom. Will got away from us and was head over toward Brent. However, once he got free, Will made a b-line to the front of the classroom to give Jack a big hug...right in the middle of the children's poetry recitation! Then Will decided he would join Jack and his classmates and sat right down. Jack, being the good big brother that he is, scooted over a bit to share his seat. It was precious! Well, precious to everyone but the teacher! Oops! Brent quickly retrieved Will and the program continued (and Mrs. C didn't seem to harbor any hard feelings).

After the ceremony, the class had a graduation party. Once again, Jack was so sweet to Will and shared his goodies!
Even the Monkeys got to attend graduation with us!

It has been a great school year for both of the boys. And although we were sad to say goodbye to our friends and teachers, we are ready for a fun-filled summer! This weekend, we are kicking summer off at the lake! WOO HOO!!

Stay tuned...more pictures to come!


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