Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Neighbors Need Your Prayers

I have had a heavy heart all day, and need you to pray with me for our neighbors.

Last night, a severe thunderstorm came through our area bringing with it over 1800 lightning strikes and hail. It was frightening, and I am not rattled by storms. This morning I woke up to learn that one of our neighbors' home was hit by lightening. The family made it out of the house safely (which is a miracle itself), but they lost everything.

And this family has been through so much already. They are Brent's and my age with two young children, ages 4 and 2. The husband is a Bama grad so you know he is a great person! The wife went to Auburn, but we'll forgive her for that unfortunate decision (haha). The husband is the president of our neighborhood homeowner's association and has provided good leadership, even amongst those long time residents who think "why do we need to change anything? This is the way it has always been and it has worked just fine for the last 25 years!" You know that mentality. And he has stood his ground over some issues, and I admire him for that.

Last year, the wife battled colon cancer. The neighborhood was wonderful in providing regular dinners for the family while she was undergoing chemo. The updates that we have gotten since she finished chemo are very encouraging. Scans look clear.

So just as they were emerging from that trial, the lightning strikes. They must feel like a modern day Job. I can't even describe the devastation of the home. The second story is completely gone, and what is left of the first floor is gutted from the fire and still smoldering 24 hours later. It is just hard to wrap your mind around it.

One of the neighbors took pictures of the house last night as the firemen were working. If you are interested, here is the link: H fire 4/23/2009

So please pray for the H family. Please pray for those two precious children.


Blythe said...

Oh my - this is so sad! I am sending prayers. Those pictures are so devastating. But the most amazing thing I noticed (besides the intensity of the fire) is the lamp in the front of the house remained on the entire time.

Amy said...

That caught my eye, too. Very uncanny.

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