Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CVS Deals

More deals to be had at CVS this week! This week has the potential to be totally free once I get a mail in rebate back.

So here are the deals that interested me this week:

Bayer Aspirin Quick Release Capsules $2.oo
Earn $2.00 ECBs (Limit 1)

Edge Infused Shave Gel $2.89
Earn $2.89 ECBs (Limit 1)

Revlon Lipstick Buy One Get One Free
(2) $2/1 coupon from 3/15 newspaper

Natural Dentist Mouthwash (16-oz.) $6.99
Get $4 ECBs (limit 5)

(2) $2/1 Natural Dentist Mouthwash coupon from the internet
$10/2 Natural Dentist Mouthwash mail in rebate (bummer! The MIR is no longer available for printing. Glad I printed it out a few weeks ago.)

Math: $13.98 - $4 coupons=$9.98 + $10 MIR=$0.02 + $8 ECBs = $8.02 profit
Better than FREE after coupons, ECBs and MIR!

**Even though the MIR is no longer available, the mouthwash is $0.99 after coupons and ECBs. Still not a bad deal**

So these were my purchases:

Bayer aspirin 2.00
Edge gel 2.89
Revlon lipstick 7.99
Revlon lipstick 7.99
mouthwash 6.99
mouthwash 6.99
=34.85 total
-7.99 buy get one free lipstick
-2.00 revlon coupon
-2.00 revlon coupon
-2.00 mouthwash coupon
-2.00 mouthwash coupon
-9.98 ECBs from last week
=8.88 (+ tax) cash + earned 12.89 ECBs

So this week, I spent $8.88 (+ tax) out of pocket and have 12.89 ECBs to spend another time!

Plus, I mailed in my mouthwash rebate, so when that $10 comes back, it will be like a free CVS trip =).


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